Jahresbericht 1995 Annual Report
Accelerator Facility
Tandem Operation
Nuclear Reactions
Simulation of In-situ Production by Fast Muon Induced Reactions
Determination of Production Rates of Cosmogenic Nuclides by Muon Capture Reactions
Measurement of Cross Sections of the Reaction 40Ar(p,alpha n)36Cl
Antiproton, K- and Hard pi- Production in Ne+NaF Collisions
Neutron Halo and Antiproton-Nucleus Potential from Antiprotonic X-Rays
Heating Nuclei with Energetic Antiprotons
Probability of Fission Induced by 1.2 GeV Antiprotons
Neutron Multiplicities from Fission Induced by Stopped Antiprotons
Measurement of Inclusive Spectra of Particles Produced by Fast p-bar Annihilation at Nuclei
e+e- Production in Heavy Ion Collisions Near the Coulomb Barrier
Nuclear Spectroscopy
Study of the 45Sc(p>, alpha)42Ca Reaction
Spectroscopy of 88Y via 91Zr(p>, alpha)
Decay Properties of 100Sn and Neighbouring Nuclei
Experimental Study of the 3- x g9/2 -1 Multiplet in the Proton-Hole Nuclei 115In and 113In
Possible U(5) Symmetry and Intruder Levels in 122Te
Multiphonon and Quasiparticle States in 126Te
First Investigation of 128Ba via Two-Neutron Transfer
O(6) Dynamical Symmetry Investigation in 132,134Ba
Search for Octupole Fragmentation in 134Ba
New 0+ States in 146Sm and the Particle-Particle-Core Coupling Model
Study of Single Particle Excitations in 153Sm via One Neutron Pickup
Spectroscopy of 166Ho via the (d,p) Reaction
Coulomb Excitation of 180Ta
Are the GSI Positron Electron Lines Due to E0 Transitions?
Fragmentation of the Low Energy Octupole State in 192Os
Measurements of the Spectroscopic Quadrupole Moments of the 11/2- Isomers 193mAu, 195mAu, and 197mAu with MAPON
Test of Supersymmetry in IBM by High Resolution (p,d) Study of 196Au
A New Candidate for 0+ Two-Phonon Octupole Excitation in 208Pb
Spectroscopy of Two-Quasiparticle Excitations in 208Pb
Shell Model Calculations in the Lead Region
In-beam Spectroscopy of 231Pa
Nuclear Mass Measurements
Mass Measurements of A=80 Isobars with SARA
Schottky Mass Spectrometry of Cooled 197Au Fragment Beams in the ESR
Schottky Mass Spectrometry of Cooled 209Bi Fragments in the ESR
Weak Interaction and Nuclear Astrophysics
Precision Measurement of Nuclear mu Capture by 3He
Bound-state Beta Decay of Bare 187Re
Atomic Physics
Heavy Ion Beam Pumping of VUV Excimer Lasers
Modelling of an Ar-Cs Charge Transfer Laser
Laser Induced Annihilation Spectroscopy of Metastable Antiprotonic Helium Atoms
Kinetic Energy of the p-mu Atom
Study of d-mu-d and p-mu-d Fusion in D2 and HD Mixtures
Interaction of Heavy Ions with Condensed Matter
Measurements of Transient Magnetic Fields in Gd on Single-Electron 52Cr Ions
Evidence for Ion Beam Induced Attenuations of the Static Hyperfine Field at Recoil Implanted 56Fe ions in Fe Host
Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy
AMS with the Gas-Filled Analyzing Magnet System GAMS
AMS with 60Fe
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry with Stable Isotopes
Applications of Nuclear Techniques
Atmospheric Transport of Radionuclides and Gravitational Settling
Study of the Aluminium Biokinetics in Humans with 26Al
A Multicompartment Model for Aluminium Biokinetics and Aluminium Speciation
Investigation of the Aluminium Biokinetics in Rats Using 26Al
Materials Research with Heavy Ion Beams
Erosion of Polymer-like Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Films During ERD Analysis with Heavy Ion Beams
Monolayers of Graphite Resolved by Elastic Recoil Detection (ERD)
Pseudomorph Si(1-x)C(x) Films on c-Si to Enhance Nucleation of (100) Oriented CVD Diamond Films
Detection of Nitrogen in CVD Diamond
Fast Proton Radiography on the PSI Gantry FROG
Neutron Activation Analysis of Scintillators for the Solar Neutrino Experiment BOREXINO
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance on Oriented NucleiResonance Shift with the External Magnetic Field
Measurements of the Collective Nuclear Spin Dynamics of 59Co in hcp and fcc Co at Temperatures below 100 mK by Calorimetric Detection of NMR
The TRITRON Development
Technological Laboratories
Technological Laboratory of the LMU
Technological Laboratory of the TUM
Instrumental Developments
An Experimental Setup for the Search for Deeply Bound Pionic Atoms
Measurement of Second-Order Beam Optical Matrix Elements of the FRS Spectrometer
A Microstrip Gas Chamber for Charged Particle Tracking
A Position Sensitive Microstrip Gas Chamber for Single VUV-Photons
Precision Measurement of CsI Quantum Efficiencies
Photon Detector Performance for the HADES RICH
The New Microbeam Facility
A High-Flux Dissociator for the Munich Atomic Beam Source
A High-Brightness Source for Neutral Polarized p and d Beams
Adiabatic High-Frequency Transitions for the Munich ABS
Measurement of the Polarization of Hydrogen Atoms Stored in the HERMES Target Cell
Apparatus for Studying Heavy Ion Beam Pumped Recombination Laser Schemes
Preparation of a Vertical-Beam Facility
A New Particle Detector for Gamma-Coincidence Experiments
Cryogenic Detector Development at TUM, E15
Preliminary Results from the BOREXINO Counting Test Facility
Hadron Structure
Phenomenology of Nuclear Shadowing in Deep-Inelastic Scattering
Non-Perturbative Scales in Soft Hadronic Collisions at High Energy
Spin-Dependent Nuclear Structure FunctionsA General Approach with Application to the Deuteron
Chiral Dynamics and the Low Energy Kaon-Nucleon Interaction
J/psi Production as a Probe of Charge Symmetry Violations and Nuclear Corrections in Parton Distributions
Chiral Dynamics and the S11(1535) Nucleon Resonance
Nuclear Structure Functions at Moderate Q2: Relativistic Constituent Quarks and Spectator Mass Spectrum
Low Energy KbarN Interaction in Nuclear Matter
Inclusive Heavy-Flavor Production from Nuclei
Deep inelastic scattering from polarized deuterons
Novel Pion Electroproduction Low Energy Theorems
Chiral prediction for the piN S-wave Scattering Length
The Reaction piN -> pipiN at Threshold in Chiral Perturbation Theory
Nuclear Structure Calculations
Density Dependent Hadron Field Theory
Nuclear Structure Calculations with "Free" One-Boson-Exchange Potentials
A New Approach in the Relativistic Theory of Hypernuclei
The Relativistic Spin-Orbit Force Near the Neutron-Drip Line
Groundstate and Thermonuclear Properties of Finite Nuclei in the Relativistic Semiclassical Approach
Compressional Properties of Nuclei in Relativistic Mean-Field Approximation
Relativistic Mean-Field Description of Collective Motion in Nuclei: The Pion Field
Double Giant Resonances in Time Dependent Relativistic Mean Field Theory
A Microscopic Study of the Giant Dipole Resonance Absorption Cross Section in Hot Rotating Nuclei
Magnetic Dipole Response in Rare Earth Nuclei
Are There New Elementary Modes of Excitation to be Found in Heavy Nuclei?
Cranked Relativistic Mean Field Description of Superdeformed Bands in 83Sr
Dynamical Shells in 3D Cranking
Projected Shell Model and High-Spin Spectroscopy
Rare-Earth NucleiRadii, Isotope-Shifts and Deformation Properties in Relativistic Mean Field Theory
Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Calculations with Finite Range Pairing Forces
Representation of Three-Dimensional Rotations in Oscillator Basis Sets
Nuclear Reactions
Coulomb Dissociation of 8B
Form Factors for Two-Nucleon Transfer in the Diabolical Region of Rotating Nuclei
Probes of Pairing Correlations by Heavy-Ion Two-Neutron Transfer Reactions
Nuclear Matter
3D2 Pairing in Asymmetric Nuclear Matter
Neutron Matter Calculations Performed for the Paris Nucleon-Nucleon Potential
Relativistic Calculations of Neutron Star Matter
Determination of the Relativistic Optical Potential
Symmetric and Asymmetric Nuclear Matter in the Relativistic Approach
Nuclear Astrophysics
Evolution of a Pulsar's Braking Index
Nonradial Vibrations of Neutron Stars
Structure and Stability of Strange and Charm Stars at Finite Temperature
Properties of Strange Quark Matter Stars
Meson and Photon Physics
Coherent Meson and Gamma Production via Cherenkov E,ects in High-Energy Nucleus Nucleus Collisions
Nuclear Mesonic Cherenkov-like Radiation from High Energy Nucleons
Nuclear Pionic Cherenkov-like Radiation from High Energy Nucleons
Heavy Ion Collisions
Heavy Ion Collisions with Non-Equilibrium Mean Fields
Thermodynamic Properties of Nuclear Matter
Non-Equilibrium Field Theory and Transport Equations with Correlations
The Relativistic Landau-Vlasov Method in Heavy Ion Collisions
Publications and Reports
Conference Contributions
PhD Theses
Diploma Theses