Jahresbericht 1998 Annual Report

  1. Vorwort
  2. Preface
  3. Accelerator Facility
  4. Personnel
  5. Contributions
    1. TANDEM
      1. Tandem Operation
      1. Nuclear Reactions
        1. Observation of the Pionic 1s State in Lead in the 206Pb(d,3He) Reaction
        2. Does Break-Up Affect 9Be+209Bi Fusion Around the Coulomb Barrier?
        3. Observation of Pontecorvo Reactions with Open Strangeness
        4. Systematic Investigation of Antiprotonic X Rays and of Gamma Rays after Antiproton Annihilation
        5. Ternary Fission Yields of 241Pu(nth,f)
      2. Nuclear Spectroscopy
        1. Evidence for 2p Radioactivity in 17Ne
        2. Measurements of Magnetic Moments for Excited States of 46;48Ti and 50;52Cr Nuclei and their Shell Model Interpretation
        3. Drastic Increase of the Nuclear Deformation in Bromine between A = 79 and 77
        4. Decay Properties of Neutron Deficient Nuclei near 100Sn - First Results
        5. The 116Sn(p,t)114Sn Reaction
        6. Study of the 122Sn(p,alpha)119In and 123Sb(p,alpha)120Sn Reactions
        7. Study of Low Spin States in 119Te with the (d>,t) Reaction
        8. Study of Low Spin States in 121Te with the (d>,t) Reaction
        9. Spectroscopy of 127Te Using the Polarized Deuteron Beam
        10. Spectroscopy of 129Te via (d,p), (d>,t) and (n,gamma-gamma) Reactions
        11. Photoactivation of 180Ta at Astrophysically Relevant Energies
        12. Spectroscopy of 181Hf via the (d>,p) reaction
        13. Measurements of Quadrupole-Interaction-Resolved NMR on Oriented 185Pt, 189Pt and 191Pt in hcp-Co
        14. Spectroscopy of 193Os with a Polarized Deuteron Beam
        15. New Classification of Excited States in 195Pt in Terms of the U(6/12) Supersymmetry
        16. Direct Evidence for the Existence of Supersymmetry in Odd-Odd Nuclei
        17. In-Beam Spectroscopy of 231Pa
        18. On the Excitation Energy of the Ground State in the Third Minimum of 234U
        19. Search for the E0 Decay of the 236U Fission Isomer
      3. Nuclear Mass Spectrometry
        1. Schottky Mass Measurements with New Signal-Analyzer at the ESR
      4. Atomic Physics
        1. Influence of Water Vapor on the 1:73mum ArXe-Laser System
        2. New Interpretation of the Third Rare Gas Excimer Continua
        3. Quenching of Metastable States of Antiprotonic Helium by Hydrogen and Deuterium Molecules
        4. Kinetic Energy Distribution of the mu-p(1s) Atoms as Function of Density
        5. Precision Measurement of the Singlet mu-p Capture Rate via mu- Lifetime in H2 Gas
        6. Investigation of the Metastability of the 2s State in Muonic Hydrogen
        7. Anomalous Behaviour of a Laser Cooled 9Be+ Ion Beam Observed at the Heidelberg TSR for Very Low Temperatures
      5. Interaction of Heavy Ions with Condensed Matter
        1. Angular Distribution of Particles Sputtered with Energetic Heavy Ions
        2. Transverse Cooling or Heating of Channeled Ions by Electron Capture and Loss
      6. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry with Heavy Ions
        1. Indication for Supernova Produced 60Fe Activity on Earth
        2. Measurement of the Excitation Function for the Production of the Cosmogenic Radionuclide 53Mn on Iron
        3. Dose Reconstruction for the A-bomb Survivors in Hiroshima: 63Ni as a Monitor for Fast Neutrons
        4. Measurements of the Fast Neutron Fluence and of the Neutron Spectrum of the Atomic Bomb of Hiroshima
        5. (NA 54) Fast Muon Induced Production of Radionuclides
        6. AMS with Actinides
      7. Applications of Nuclear Techniques and Interdisciplinary Nuclear Physics
        1. Depth Resolved Element Concentrations of Carbides and Oxides Obtained by ERDA
        2. Fast Neutrons Produced by the 5 TW MPQ ATLAS Ti-Sapphire Laser
        3. Characterization of a Relativistic Electron Beam Generated by 250 mJ Ultrashort Laser Pulses
        4. Experimental Evidence for a Large Collinear Electric Field Gradient of Ir in hcp-Co
        5. Proton Radiography on the PSI Gantry : A Status Report
        6. DNA Double Strand Breaks in Mammalian Cells Exposed to Gamma Rays and Heavy Ions
        7. Preparation of C57-Mice with B16-Melanoma for Proton Irradiation
        8. Dermatologic Radiation Therapy
        9. Proton Irradiation of Mast-Cell Tumors on the Eyelids of Cats
        10. Effect of 17 MeV and 22. 7MeV Protons on Mammalian Cells
        11. Effects on Tissue of Mice after Irradiation with Protons
      8. Particle Astrophysics
        1. The CRESST Dark Matter Search
        2. Development of Cryogenic Detectors for the Gallium Neutrino Observatory (GNO)
        3. Measurements of the Muon Induced Production of Radioisotopes at the CERN SPS _-beam for the Solar Neutrino Experiment BOREXINO
        4. Low-Background gamma-Spectroscopy at the New Underground Laboratory
      1. Accelerator
        1. Progress of the Munich Accelerator for Fission Fragments (MAFF)
        2. Charge Breeding and Acceleration for MAFF
        3. Design of the Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ)-Accelerator for the MAFF Project
        4. Status of the REX-ISOLDE Project
        5. Test of the Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) Accelerator for REX-ISOLDE
        6. Status of the IH Structure for REX-ISOLDE
        7. MAFIA Simulations of the REX-ISOLDE IH-Structure and Frequency Tuning
      2. Technological Laboratories
        1. Technological Laboratory of the LMU
        2. VUV Optics for the HADES Project
      3. Instrumental Developments
        1. Track Reconstruction near Anode Wires of ATLAS Drift Tubes
        2. Operational Test of the Prototype ATLAS BOS Chamber
        3. Cosmic Ray Tests for the ATLAS Muon Chambers
        4. Search for Higgs Bosons at the LHC with the ATLAS Muon System
        5. Testbeam Studies of Straw Drifttubes for the COMPASS Experiment
        6. Development of Sources for Ultra-Cold Neutrons at the FRM II
        7. A Detector System for the Identification of Relativistic Heavy Ions at High Rates
        8. An Implantation Detector with High Granularity for Decay Studies of Exotic Fragments
        9. Operation of the HERMES Polarised Hydrogen/Deuterium Target in 1997/1998
        10. Towards Crystalline Ion Beams - the PALLAS Ring Trap
        11. Study for Stopping and Extraction of Ions in a Buffer Gas Cell - RFQ Ion Guide System
        12. Status of the MINIBALL-Array
        13. Low-Energy Electron-Beam Pumped Gas-Laser
        14. Polarized Negative Hydrogen Beam from the New Polarized Ion Source
        15. Microstrip Gas Counter for the Q3D Focal Plane
        16. An ESD-Type High Brightness Negative Hydrogen Source
        17. Experimental Arrangement of the Ion Microscope SNAKE
        18. A Novel High Precision Slit System
      4. Data Acquisition
        1. MARaBOU - A MBS and ROOT Based Online Offline Utility
        2. The Data Acquisition System of the COMPASS Experiment
    4. THEORY
      1. Hadron Structure
        1. Coherent Vector Meson Production from Deuterons
        2. Vector Mesons in Medium
        3. Peripheral NN-Scattering: Role of Delta-Excitation, Correlated Two-Pion and VectorMeson Exchange
        4. Hard Leptoproduction of Charged Vector Mesons
        5. Smallest Dirac Eigenvalue Distribution from Random Matrix Theory
        6. Renormalon Model Predictions for Power-Corrections to Flavour Singlet Deep Inelastic Structure Functions
        7. Coherence Effects in Deuteron Spin Structure Functions
        8. Baryon Masses in Large Nc Chiral Perturbation Theory
        9. Evidence for Quantum Chaos in the Plasma Phase of QCD
        10. Hard Exclusive J/psi Leptoproduction on Polarized Targets
        11. Investigation of Hadronic Properties of S11(1535) in Electroproduction Reactions off the Deuteron
        12. Crossover to Non-Universal Microscopic Spectral Fluctuations in Lattice Gauge Theory
        13. Novel Approach to Neutral Pion and Eta Production in Proton-Proton Collisions
        14. Nucleon Polarizabilities for Virtual Photons
        15. Chiral Dynamics in Dense Matter: In-Medium Meson Spectra
        16. Fluctuation Properties of the Dirac Spectrum at Finite Temperature and Density
        17. Nuclear Quark and Gluon Distributions in Coordinate Space
        18. Exclusive J/psi Photoproduction and Gluon Polarization
        19. The Reaction pp -> pLambdaK+ Near Threshold
        20. Nuclear Bound States of Omega Mesons
        21. Quantum Chaos and QCD at Finite Chemical Potential
        22. J/psi and Eta-c in the Nuclear Medium: QCD Sum Rule Approach
        23. Model Independent Constraints from Vacuum and In-Medium QCD Sum Rules
        24. Hard Exclusive Electroproduction of Pions
      2. Nuclear Structure Calculations
        1. Compatibility of Neutron Star Masses and Hyperon Coupling Constants
        2. Symmetric and Asymmetric Nuclear Matter in the Relativistic Approach at Finite Temperatures
        3. Symmetric and Asymmetric Nuclear Matter in the Thomas-Fermi Model at Finite Temperatures
        4. A Comparative Study of Super- and Highly-Deformed Bands in the A approx 60 Mass Region
        5. Fluctuations and Odd-Even Effects in the Thermodynamics of Small Superconducting Systems
        6. Fisher Information and the Inference of Wave Functions for Systems of Unknown Hamiltonian
        7. Fisher's Information, Kullback's Measure and H-Theorems
        8. Fluctuations and Odd-Even Effects in Small Superfluid Systems
        9. Ground-State Proton Emitters in the Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Model
        10. Ground-State Properties of Even-Even Nuclei in the Relativistic Mean-Field Theory
        11. Magnetic Dipole Response in Rare Earth Nuclei
        12. Nonlinear Dynamics of Giant Resonances in Atomic Nuclei
        13. Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Description of the Deformed Ground-State Proton Emitters
        14. Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Description of the Deformed N = 28 Region
        15. Relativistic Mean Field Approach and the Pseudo-Spin Symmetry
        16. Solution of Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Equations in Configurational Representation: Spherical Neutron Halo Nuclei
        17. Thermal and Quantal Fluctuations for Fixed Particle Number in Finite Superfluid Systems
        18. Compressed Nuclei in the Relativistic Thomas-Fermi Approximation
        19. Differences Among Ground-State-Equivalent Effective Nuclear Interactions
        20. Maxwell Construction and Phase Transitions in Fermi Fluids
        21. Relativistic Thomas-Fermi Studies of Exotically Large Nuclei
      3. Nuclear Reactions
        1. Proton-Nucleus Scattering in Relativistic Mean Field Theory with Density and Energy Dependent Self Energies
        2. Indirect Methods in Nuclear Astrophysics
      4. Nuclear Astrophysics
        1. Dense Stellar Matter and Structure of Neutron Stars
        2. From Quark Matter to Strange Machos
        3. Implications of Hyperon Pairing for Cooling of Neutron Stars
        4. Neutron star properties with nuclear BHF equations of state
        5. Signal of Quark Deconfinement in the Timing Structure of Pulsar Spin-Down
        6. Signal for the Quark-Hadron Phase Transition in Rotating Hybrid Stars
        7. Two Dimensional Cooling Simulations of Rotating Neutron Stars
      5. Heavy Ion Collisions
        1. Temperature and Fragment Spectra in Heavy Ion Collisions
        2. Fluctuations and dynamical instabilities in heavy-ion reactions
        3. Heavy ion collisions with non-equilibrium Dirac-Brueckner mean fields
        4. On Nuclear Transport at Small Excitations
        5. Pairing and Shell Effects in the Transport Coefficients of Collective Motion
      1. Publications and Reports
      2. Conference Contributions
      3. PhD Theses
      4. Diploma Theses