Jahresbericht 1996 Annual Report

  1. Vorwort
  2. Preface
  3. Accelerator Facility
  4. Personnel
  5. Contributions
    1. TANDEM
      1. Tandem Operation
      2. New Analyzing Magnet for the Tandem
      3. Calibration of the New Analyzing Magnet
      4. The Tandem Control System
      1. Nuclear Reactions
        1. The Dynamics of Hot Nuclei Studied With Antiproton-Induced Fission
        2. Measurement of the Neutron to Proton Density Ratio at the Nuclear Periphery with Antiprotons
        3. e+e- Pairs from 238U + 206Pb Collisions
        4. Measurement of Fusion Cross Sections Nearby and Below the Coulomb Barrier for the Reactions 32S + 98,100Mo, 32S + 102Ru with the Q3D
        5. Subbarrier Fusion of 9Be + 209Bi
        6. Fragmentation of Instable Nuclei in the Mass Region A ~ 100
      2. Nuclear Spectroscopy
        1. Observation of the fl Decay of the First Excited State of 17Ne
        2. Search for Di-Proton Radioactivity in Exotic Nuclei
        3. High-Spin Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy in the Vicinity of 56Ni
        4. Shell Model Calculations of Low Lying States of 87Y
        5. Nuclear Magnetic Moments of 2.0 h 89Nb and 78 h 89Zr
        6. Study of Nuclear Structure in the Sn Region via (p,t) Reactions
        7. Spectroscopy of 120Sn via the 122Sn(p,t)120Sn Reaction
        8. Nuclear Spectroscopy of 122Te
        9. Nuclear Structure Studies of 123,125Te
        10. Study of Single Particle Excitations in 129Ba via the (d>,t) Reaction
        11. Search for Octupole Fragmentation in 130Ba
        12. Study of the Monopole Pairing Vibration in Odd Nuclei
        13. MPV x Particle States in 143Nd Studied with the (p,t) Reaction
        14. Study of Single Particle Excitations in 153Sm via (d>,t) and ARC
        15. The Rotational Band on the 9- Isomer in 180Ta
        16. Measurements of the Spectroscopic Quadrupole Moments of Neutron Deficient Ir Isotopes and Shape Coexistence in 186Ir
        17. High Resolution (d>; t) Study of 196Au and IBM Supersymmetry
        18. Possible High-Lying Octupole States in 196Pt via the (d,d') Reaction
        19. Strength Distributions of Neutron Two-Quasiparticle Excitations in 208Pb
        20. In-Beam Spectroscopy of 231Pa
        21. High Resolution Study of the Fission Resonances in the 235U(d,pf)236U Reaction
        22. Conversion Electron Measurements in the 2nd Minimum of 240Pu
      3. Nuclear Mass Measurements
        1. Mass Measurement of 80Y and 80Zr with SARA
        2. Schottky Mass Spectrometry of Cooled 209Bi Fragments in the ESR
      4. Weak Interaction and Nuclear Astrophysics
        1. Bound-State Beta Decay of Bare 187Re
        2. Search for a Heavy Neutrino by Measuring Muon Capture by 3He
        3. Investigation on Mica as a Geophysical Dark-Matter-Detector
      5. Atomic Physics
        1. Discovery of Deeply Bound pi- States in the 208Pb(d,3He) Reaction
        2. 3D-Laser-Cooling of a Bunched 9Be+ Ion Beam at the Heidelberg TSR
        3. Recombination Laser Schemes in Combined Electrical and Heavy Ion Beam Induced Plasmas
        4. Discovery of Hydrogen-Assisted Laser Resonance Transitions Between Metastable States of Antiprotonic Helium Atoms
        5. Laser Spectroscopy on pbar3He
        6. Oxygen and Hydrogen Quenching of Metastable Antiprotonic Helium
        7. Hyperfine Structure of the Laser Induced Transition
          (n,l) = (37,35) -> (38,34) in Antiprotonic Helium
        8. Velocity of Muonic Hydrogen Atoms after Coulomb Capture and Cascade
        9. Study of d-mu-d and p-mu-d Fusion in D2 and H/D Mixtures
        10. Muon Transfer from Hydrogen to Helium Isotopes
      6. Interaction of Heavy Ions with Condensed Matter
        1. Charge State Dependence of the Stopping Power of 60MeV 58Ni Ions in Thin Carbon Foils and Gases
        2. Energy Straggling of 60MeV 58Ni Ions in Thin Carbon Foils and Gases
        3. Modification of Ge During High Energy Heavy Ion Irradiation
        4. Transient Field Measurements on Light and Heavy Ions in Amorphous Iron-Boron Compounds
      7. Applications of Nuclear Techniques
        1. 53Mn in Extraterrestrial Matter
        2. AMS with Stable Isotopes and Primordial Radionuclides for Material Analysis and Background Detection
        3. Al(x)Ga(1-x)N Layers for Optoelectronic Devices in the Blue and UV Region
        4. Hydrogen in Gallium Nitride Grown by MOCVD
        5. Channeling-ERDA with Heavy Ion Beams
        6. Aluminium Biokinetics and Speciation
        7. Effect of Iron Diet on Aluminium Biokinetics in Rats
        8. Biokinetics Studies of Nephrectomized Rats with 26Al
        9. Development and Monte-Carlo-Simulation of the Detector System for the Fast Proton Radiography FROG
        10. Fast Proton Radiography on the PSI Gantry FROG
        11. Neutron Activation Analyses of Ultrapure Liquids in a Silicon-Made Irradiation Flask
        12. Dependence of the Electric Field Gradient of Ir in Fe on the Direction of Magnetization with Respect to the Crystallographic Axes
      1. Accelerator
        1. The REX-ISOLDE Project
        2. The Mass Separator of REX-ISOLDE
        3. The RFQ-Accelerator of REX-ISOLDE
        4. The RFQ-IH Matching Section of REX-ISOLDE
        5. Status of the IH-Structure of REX-ISOLDE
        6. The Munich Fission Fragment Accelerator
        7. Extraction Beam Line for the Munich Fission Fragment Accelerator
        8. RF Plasma Ion Source Developments
        9. The TRITRON Development
      2. Technological Laboratories
        1. Technological Laboratory of the LMU
        2. Technological Laboratory of the TUM
      3. Instrumental Developments
        1. The HADES-Prototype Photon Detector with Improved CsI-Converter
        2. Quantum Efficiency Enhancement for CsI Photocathodes by RSG Pre-Coating
        3. Reinvestigation of the TMAE Quantum Efficiency
        4. A Microstrip Gas Chamber for Relativistic Heavy Ion Tracking
        5. The MINIBALL-Project
        6. First Tests of a Six-fold Segmented Ge-Detector for Miniball
        7. Concept of a High Resolution Online Mass Separator for the Munich Fission Fragment Accelerator
        8. A Superconducting Solenoid for Conversion-Electron Spectroscopy in the Actinides
        9. Concept of a Modified Quadrupole-Ring-Trap Designed for Laser-Cooling of Crystalline Ion Beams
        10. High Power Generation of 257 nm Radiation for Laser Cooling of Relativistic 24Mg+ Ions at the ESR
        11. FFT-Signal Analyzer for Schottky Mass Measurements at the ESR
        12. Ionizer and Charge-Exchange Unit for the New Polarized Hydrogen Source
        13. Operation of the HERMES Polarised Hydrogen Target in 1996 Data Taking
        14. Preparation for a Test-Beam Facility for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
        15. Status Report of the Borexino Solar Neutrino Experiment
        16. The New Vertical Beamline for Biophysical Experiments
        17. Dosimetry for the Vertical Beam Line
        18. Intensive, Relativistic Electron Pulses
        19. Low Energy Electron Beam Excitation of Rare Gases
    4. THEORY
      1. Hadron Structure
        1. J/psi Production as a Probe of Charge Symmetry Violations and Nuclear Corrections in Parton Distributions
        2. Nuclear Structure Functions at Moderate Q²: Relativistic Constituent Quarks and Spectator Mass Spectrum
        3. Low Energy KbarN Interaction in Nuclear Matter
        4. Charmonium Production in Proton-Nucleon and Proton-Nucleus Collisions
        5. Inclusive Heavy-Flavor Production from Nuclei
        6. Chiral Corrections to the Kroll-Ruderman Theorem
        7. Nucleon Electroweak Form Factors: Analysis of their Spectral Functions
        8. On the Analysis of the Pion-Nucleon Sigma-Term: The Size of the Remainder at the Cheng Dashen Point
        9. Determination of the Low-Energy Constants of the Next-to-Leading Order Chiral Pion Nucleon Lagrangian
        10. Double Neutral Pion Photoproduction at Threshold
        11. IR-Renormalon Contribution to the Longitudinal Structure Function FL
        12. Effects of Color Coherence in Electroproduction of Vector Mesons off Deuteron
        13. Structure Functions of the Nucleon in a Covariant Scalar Spectator Model
        14. Physically Motivated Approximation to a Parton Distribution Function in QCD
        15. Effective Kaon Masses in Dense Nuclear and Neutron Matter
        16. Nuclear Effects in Deep-Inelastic Lepton Scattering
        17. Effective Lagrangian Approach to Vector Mesons, their Structure and Decays
        18. MC Simulation of Vector Boson Production in Polarized Proton Collisions
        19. Spectral Distributions of Current Correlation Functions in Baryonic Matter
        20. IR-Renormalon Contribution to the Polarized Structure Function g1
        21. Diffraction and Shadowing in Deep-Inelastic Scattering from Nuclei
        22. Coherent rho Production from Polarized Deuterium
        23. SU (3) Chiral Dynamics with Coupled Channels: Eta and Kaon Photoproduction
        24. Combining Lattice QCD Results with Regge Phenomenology in a Description of Quark Distribution Functions
      2. Nuclear Structure Calculations
        1. On the Nature of Nuclear Dissipation, as a Hallmark for Collective Dynamics at Finite Excitation
        2. A Quantal Transport Theory for Nuclear Collective Motion: The Merits of a Locally Harmonic Approximation
        3. A Density-Dependent Relativistic Hartree Approach for Hypernuclei
        4. Nuclear Structure Calculations in the Density-Dependent Relativistic Hartree Theory
        5. Relativistic Mean Field Theory in Finite Nuclei
        6. Superdeformed Rotational Bands in the A ~ 140-150 Mass Region: Cranked Relativistic Mean Field Description
        7. Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Description of the Neutron Halo in 11Li
        8. Superheavy Nuclei in the Relativistic Mean Field Theory
        9. Application of the Finite Element Method in Selfconsistent Relativistic Mean Field Calculations
        10. A New Parameterization for the Lagrangian Density of Relativistic Mean Field Theory
        11. Computer Program for the Relativistic Mean Field Description of the Ground State Properties of Even-Even Axially Deformed Nuclei
        12. Monopole Giant Resonances and Nuclear Compressibility in Relativistic Mean Field Theory
        13. A Giant Halo at the Neutron Drip Line
        14. Density Dependent Relativistic Mean Field Theory in Deformed Nuclei
        15. Hadrodynamic Approach to Compressible Nonuniform Nuclear Systems
        16. Skyrme Representation of Relativistic Spin-Orbit Field
      3. Nuclear Reactions
        1. Momentum Distributions in 8B Coulomb Breakup
        2. Medium Effects on Pion Production in Proton-Nucleus Collisions
      4. Nuclear Matter
        1. The Chiral Condensate in Nuclear Matter
        2. Hot Symmetric and Asymmetric Nuclear Matter in the Relativistic Hartree-Fock and Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Approximation
        3. Relativistic Calculations of Neutron Star Matter
      5. Nuclear Astrophysics
        1. Thermal Evolution of Compact Stars
        2. Impact of Medium E,ects on the Cooling of Non-Superfluid and Superfluid Neutron Stars
        3. Differences in the Cooling Behavior of Strange Quark Matter Stars and Neutron Stars
        4. Non-radial vibrations of neutron stars
        5. Neutron Star Properties in the Thomas-Fermi Model
        6. The Relativistic Equation of State and Neutron Star Properties
      6. Heavy Ion Collisions
        1. Determination of the Equation of State in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
        2. Variation of Transport Coefficient for Average Fission Dynamics with Temperature and Shape
        3. Transport Coefficients for Shape Degrees in Terms of Cassini Ovaloids
        4. A Self-consistent Treatment of the Dynamics of Stable and Unstable Collective Modes
      1. Publications and Reports
      2. Conference Contributions
      3. PhD Theses
      4. Diploma Theses