Jahresbericht 2000 Annual Report

  1. Vorwort
  2. Preface
  3. Accelerator Facility
  4. Personnel
  5. Contributions
    1. TANDEM
      1. Tandem Operation
      1. Nuclear Spectroscopy
        1. Investigation of the Two Proton Decay of 17Ne
        2. New g Factor Measurement of the first 2+ State of 54Cr and its Shell Model Interpretation
        3. Mott Scattering of 58Ni Ions as a Demonstration of Quantum Effects
        4. Measurements of g Factors and Lifetimes of the first 2+ States of 62-70Zn and their Shell Model Implication
        5. Halflives of Neutron Deficient Nuclei below 100Sn
        6. Realistic Shell-model Calculations for 114Sn
        7. Spectroscopy of 114Sn via (p,t) Reaction
        8. 119In Nuclear Spectroscopy by Means of Reactions 122Sn(p,alpha)119In
        9. QPM Calculations of 119In
        10. Direct Neutron Capture in 129Te and 131Te
        11. High Resolution (d,t) Study of 185W
        12. Excited Superdeformed Kpi = 0+ Rotational Bands in beta-Vibrational Fission Resonances of 240Pu
        13. Conversion Electron Spectroscopy in the Superdeformed Minimum of 240Pu
      2. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
        1. 41Ca - a Biological Dosemeter for Neutrons?
        2. The Radionuclide 63Ni - a Fluence Monitor for Fast Neutrons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
        3. Determination of 79Se in nuclear waste via AMS
        4. Continued Search for Supernova Produced 60Fe Activity on Earth
        5. Measurement of 3H Depth Profiles in Wall Materials of ASDEX Upgrade
      3. Interaction of Heavy Ions with Condensed Matter
        1. Transition from Transverse Cooling to Heating
      4. Particle Physics
        1. Search for Single Top-quark Production at LEP2
        2. Flavour Independent Search for the Higgs Boson in the hZ-Channel
        3. Measurement of the Mass of the W Boson in the W+W- -> qq'lv Channel with the OPAL Detector at LEP
        4. Colour Reconnection Studies in W+W- -> qq'qq' Events Using Inter-jet Multiplicity at OPAL
        5. Determination of the W Mass in the Leptonic Channel at OPAL
        6. Influence of Hard Gluon Radiation on the Determination of the Mass of the W Boson in the W+W- -> qqqq Hadronic Channel with the OPAL Detector at LEP
        7. Level 2 Trigger for the Muon Spectrometer in the Forward Region of the DØ Detector at the pp-Collider TeVatron
      5. Particle Astrophysics
        1. Cryogenic Detectors for the Solar Neutrino Experiment GNO
        2. Status of the Borexino Solar Neutrino Experiment
        3. High Resolution X-Ray Detectors with Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
        4. Neutron Scattering Experiment for the CRESST Dark Matter Search
      6. Atomic Physics
        1. Low-Energy Electron-Beam-Induced XUV Excimeremission
        2. Large Ion Crystals and First Beams in PALLAS
      7. Nuclear Mass Spectrometry
        1. Final Results of Schottky Mass Measurements with New TCAP-System at the ESR
        2. High Accuracy Mass Determination of Unstable Nuclei with the Penning Trap Mass Spectrometer ISOLTRAP
      8. Applications of Nuclear Techniques and Interdisciplinary Nuclear Physics
        1. Rapid Thermal Oxinitride (RTON) Insulators
        2. Hydrogen Response Mechanism of Pt-GaN Schottky Diodes
        3. Lattice Constants of Quaternary Nitride Alloys
        4. Characteristic X-ray Production Cross Sections Using High Energy Ions
        5. Element Distributions in Aluminum Nitride Thin Films
      1. Accelerator
        1. MAFF Status Report
        2. Status of the IH-7-gap Structure (IH7SS) for MAFF
        3. Design Calculations for the MAFF-RFQ
        4. Status of the REX-ISOLDE Project
        5. Status of the IH-structure for REX-ISOLDE
      2. Technological Laboratories
        1. Technological Laboratory of the LMU
      3. Instrumental Developments
        1. Alignment Studies for the Cosmic Ray Test Telescope
        2. First Results at the Cosmic Ray Telescope
        3. Quasianalytic Reconstruction of Straight Tracks in Drift-Tube Chambers of the ATLAS Experiment
        4. Calibration of the Wire Positions of the Atlas Muon Spectrometer
        5. A Stern-Gerlach Source for Intense and Bright Beams of Negative Polarised Hydrogen Ions
        6. New Q3D Focal Plane Detector with Cathode-strip Readout Became Operational
        7. Design of SNAKE for the Micro Irradiation of Cells
        8. High-resolution ERD Utilizing Bayesian Data Analysis
        9. High-resolution ERD Utilizing a New Q3D Focal-plane Detector
        10. MAFF Test Setup
        11. MAFF Fission Target Development
        12. Measurements with the Gas Cell and Extraction RFQ for SHIPTRAP
        13. Status of the MINIBALL Array
        14. A Gas Supply System for the HADES-RICH Detector
        15. Performance of the HADES-RICH Photon Detector
        16. Efficiency measurement for the HADES-RICH Detector
        17. GEM and Silicon Detectors for Compass
        18. A Permanent-magnet Storage Device for Neutron Lifetime Measurements
        19. The Mini-D2 Source for Ultra-Cold Neutrons
        20. Measurement of UCN with a New Detector
      4. Data Acquisition
        1. First Run of the DAQ System of the COMPASS Experiment
    3. THEORY
      1. Hadron Structure
        1. Production of Vector Mesons in Pion Nucleus Reactions
        2. Axial U(1) Dynamics in eta and eta' Photoproduction
        3. Chiral 3pi-Exchange NN-Potentials: Results for Representation-Invariant Classes of Diagrams
        4. Coherence Effects in Diffractive Electroproduction of rho Mesons from Nuclei
        5. g_1 at low x and low Q2 with Polarized ep Colliders
        6. Coordinate Space Distributions of Antiquark Flavor Asymmetries in the Proton
        7. Effective Field Theory with Two and Three Nucleons
        8. Hadronic Excitations and Chiral Symmetry in Nuclear Systems
        9. Nucleon Compton Scattering in Chiral Effective Field Theories
        10. Nuclear Deep-Inelastic Scattering
        11. Nucleon Polarisabilities from Compton Scattering on the Deuteron
        12. Nucleon Spin Structure: Resonances and Higher Twist
        13. Photoproduction of eta and eta' Mesons off Nucleons Close to Threshold
        14. Photoproduction of Quasi-bound omega Mesons in Nuclei
        15. Pionic Excitations and Chiral Symmetry in Dense Matter
        16. Proton Spin Structure and the Low-Energy pp -> pp eta' Reaction
        17. QCD Sum Rules and D Mesons in the Nuclear Medium
        18. QCD Spectral Sum Rules and Spontaneously Broken Chiral Symmetry
        19. QCD Spectral Sum Rules, Vector Mesons and Dilepton Production
        20. Nuclear Shadowing and the Optics of Hadronic Fluctuations
        21. Threshold eta and eta' Electroproduction off Nucleons
        22. Weak Hyperon Decays in Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory: Renormalization and Applications
      2. Nuclear Structure Calculations
        1. Relativistic Mean Field Models with Generalized Coupling
        2. Superheavy and Hyperheavy Nuclei in the Form of Bubbles or Semi-bubbles
        3. Symmetry-projected Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Equations
        4. Temperature Dependent Relativistic Mean Field Theory for Hot Nuclei
        5. Cranked Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Theory: Formalism and Application to the Superdeformed Bands in the A = 190 Region
        6. Quadrupole Deformations of Neutron-drip-line Nuclei Studied within the Skyrme Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Approach
        7. Pseudo Spin-orbit Potential in Relativistic Self-consistent Models
        8. Parity Violating Elastic Electron Scattering and Neutron Density Distributions in the Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Model
        9. Superdeformations in Relativistic and Non-relativistic Mean Field Theories
        10. Time-odd Mean Fields in the Rotating Frame: Microscopic Nature of Nuclear Magnetism
        11. Neutron Density Distributions for Atomic Parity Non-conserving Experiments
        12. Moments of Inertia of Nuclei in the Rare Earth Region: A Relativistic versus a Non-relativistic Investigation
        13. Isoscalar Dipole Mode in Relativistic Random Phase Approximation
      3. Nuclear Astrophysics
        1. Indirect Methods in Nuclear Astrophysics
      4. Heavy Ion Collisions
        1. Asymmetry Effects in Nuclear Fragmentation
        2. Collective Flow in Heavy Ion Collisions
        3. Thermal Dileptons from Quark and Hadron Phases of an Expanding Fireball
      1. Publications and Reports
      2. Conference Contributions
      3. PhD Theses
      4. Diploma Theses