Jahresbericht 1997 Annual Report

  1. Vorwort
  2. Preface
  3. Accelerator Facility
  4. Personnel
  5. Contributions
    1. TANDEM
      1. Tandem Operation
      2. Visitors to the Tandem Accelerator Laboratory: A Review after 27 Years
      1. Nuclear Reactions
        1. Deeply Bound States in Pionic 207Pb and the Effective Pion Mass in the Nuclear Medium
        2. Study of Phi Meson Production in Ultrarelativistic Au+Au Collisions
        3. Fusion Cross Sections Around the Barrier in 11;9Be + 209Bi
        4. Analysis of Measured Fusion Cross Sections Near the Coulomb Barrier for the Reactions 32S + 98,100Mo, 32S + 102,104Ru
        5. The Nucleon Density of 172Yb and 176Yb at the Nuclear Periphery Determined with Antiprotonic X-rays
        6. Measurement of Inclusive Spectra of Neutrons Produced by Fast Antiproton Annihilation at Nuclei
      2. Nuclear Spectroscopy
        1. Search for the Di-Proton-Decay of the First Excited State in 17Ne
        2. Spectroscopy of 24Na via (d,p)
        3. Test of Shell Model Calculations for 50Cr with Magnetic Moments of the First 2+ and 4+ States
        4. High-Spin Shell-Model States in the A = 54 Isobars 54Co and 54Fe
        5. Prompt Proton Decay of a Well-Deformed Rotational Band in 58Cu
        6. Shell Model Calculations of 88Zr
        7. A Study of the 90Zr(p,t)88Zr Reaction
        8. Measurement of the Electric Quadrupole Moment of Nb and Zr Isotopes with MAPON after Recoil-Implantation into hcp-Co
        9. 116,114Sn (p,t) 114,112Sn Reactions
        10. Depopulation of the Kpi = 9- Isomer in 180Ta via Coulomb Excitation
        11. Depopulation of the J = 9- Isomer in 180mTa by Photoactivation
        12. Nuclear g-Factors of High-Spin Isomers in 190,192,194Pt
        13. Studies of 193Os and 113Cd with Single Neutron Transfer Reactions
        14. 196Au, 195Pt, and Complete Spectroscopy in the Framework of the IBM Supersymmetry
        15. Two-Phonon-States in 208Pb
        16. Experimental Evidence on the Ground State Energy of 229Pa
        17. In-beam Spectroscopy of 231Pa
        18. Conversion Electron Measurements in the 2nd Minimum of 240Pu
        19. Search for Two-Phonon Superdeformed States in 240Puq
      3. Atomic Physics
        1. Study of dud Fusion in HD Molekules
        2. High Precision Measurement of Singlet up Capture by u+/u- Lifetime Measurements in H2 Gas
        3. Investigation of the up (2s) Metastability
        4. Intense Lyman-alpha Radiation from a Dense Neon-Hydrogen Mixture
        5. Metastable Helium Atoms in Dense Helium Gas
        6. Quenching of Metastable States of Antiprotonic Helium Atoms by Collisions with H2 Molecules
        7. Direct Transverse Laser Cooling of a Fast 9Be+ Ion Beam at the Heidelberg TSR via Dispersive Coupling
      4. Interaction of Heavy Ions with Condensed Matter
        1. Radiation Hardness of Charge Coupled Devices for X-Ray Astromomy
        2. Sputtering of Metals in the 100 MeV Range
        3. Heavy Ion Tracks Used as Artificial Grain Boundaries in Thin Superconducting YBCO Films
      5. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry with Heavy Ions
        1. New Detection Limits for AMS with Stable Isotopes
        2. Cosmogenic Production of 26Al
        3. First Systematic AMS Measurements of 60Fe in Meteorites
        4. Search for A=60 Fragments from Neutron Induced Fission
        5. Detection of 63Ni to Measure the Fast Neutron Fluence in Hiroshima
        6. Extraterrestrial Matter in Deep Sea Manganese Crusts
      6. Applications of Nuclear Techniques and Interdisciplinary Nuclear Physics
        1. Measurement of the Fission Time Scale by the Blocking Technique
        2. Depth Resolved Chemical Composition Determination of Hard Coatings, Semiconductors and Ion Treated Titanium Alloys with ERDA
        3. Hydrogen Depth Profiles at CVD Diamond Surfaces
        4. Investigation of Nitridated Al2O3 Wafers Using High Resolution ERD
        5. Neutron Production in a Laser Plasma Generated by a 200 mJ/160 fs CPA Laser System (MPQ ATLAS)
        6. MeV-Bremsstrahlung Generation by 200 mJ Ultrashort Laser Pulses
        7. Evidence for a Strong Impurity-Nuclei Nuclear-Magnon Interaction of 89mY in hcp-Cobalt
        8. Measurement of the Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation of 90Nb on Low-Field Sites in Fe
        9. Observation of a Nuclear-Magnon Contribution to the Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation of 191Pt in Ferromagnetic Cobalt
        10. Fast Proton Radiography at the PSI Gantry FROG
        11. DNA Double Strand Breaks in Mammalian Cells Exposed to Gamma Rays and Heavy Ions
        12. Aluminium Biokinetics Studies with 26Al on Rats with Different Iron Status
      1. Accelerator
        1. The Munich Fission Fragment Accelerator
        2. An Adjustable Neutron Absorber for the Fission Fragment Accelerator
        3. A LINAC for the Munich Fission Fragment Accelerator
        4. Status of the REX-ISOLDE project
        5. Third Order Design of the q/m Separator for REX-ISOLDE
        6. Assembly and Test of the REX-ISOLDE RFQ
        7. The RFQ-IH Matching Section of REX-ISOLDE
        8. The IH-Structure of REX-ISOLDE
        9. The Commissioning of the TRITRON
      2. Technological Laboratories
        1. Technological Laboratory of the LMU
        2. Technological Laboratory of the TUM
      3. Instrumental Developments
        1. The ATLAS Experiment at the pp-Collider LHC
        2. Testbeam Studies of Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
        3. Quality Assurance for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Drift Tubes
        4. Development of Cryogenic Detectors for Astro Particle Physics
        5. Ultra Sensitive Gamma Spectroscopy for the Solar Neutrino Experiment BOREXINO
        6. Source and In-Beam Tests of the MINIBALL Prototype Detector
        7. Test of a Prototype of a new Q3D Focal Plane Detector using a Microstrip Gas Counter on a Glass Scintillator
        8. Detection of Low Energy Protons
        9. A Fast Ionisation Chamber for the Identification of Relativistic Heavy Ions
        10. In-Beam Test of the HADES-RICH Prototype
        11. Fast Detector Readout for the HADES-RICH
        12. VUV Optics for the HADES Project
        13. Schottky Mass Measurements with a New Signal-Analyzer at the ESR
        14. Experimental Approaches to Crystalline Ion Beams in PALLAS
        15. High Power Generation of 257 nm Radiation for Laser Cooling of Relativistic 24Mg+ Ions at the ESR
        16. Development of a Stopping Chamber and a Radio-Frequency Quadrupole Ion Guide for the SHIPTRAP Project
        17. High Temperature Furnace for Fission Target Investigation
        18. Recent Achievements of the ISOLDE Laser Ion Source
        19. Beam-Diagnostics for the New Polarized Hydrogen Source
        20. Degree of Dissociation at the Polarized Hydrogen Source
        21. UHV Setup for Materials Research with High Energetic Heavy Ion Beams
        22. Status of the New Microbeam Facility SNAKE
        23. The Superconducting Multipole Lens
        24. Device for Multipole Analysis of Magnetostatic Fields
        25. A Transmission Beam Current Monitor Based on Residual Gas Ionization
        26. Biophysical Experiments at the Vertical Beam Line
        27. Formation of a Spread Out Bragg Peak at the Vertical Beamline
      4. Data Acquisition
        1. The New Data Acquisition System
    4. THEORY
      1. Hadron Structure
        1. Current Correlation Functions, QCD Sum Rules and Vector Mesons in Baryonic Matter
        2. QCD Sum Rules and Vector Mesons in Nuclear Matter
        3. Deuteron Spin Structure Functions at Small Bjorken-x
        4. Polarized Deuteron Structure Functions at Small x1
        5. Analytic Approximation to the GLAP Evolution of F2(x,Q2) in the small-x Region
        6. Chiral-Odd Transversity Spin Structure Function h1(x) of the Nucleon in a Constituent Quark Model
        7. Perturbative Part of the Non-Singlet Structure Function F2 in the Large-NF Limit
        8. Feynman Diagram Approach to High-Energy Scattering from Lightest Nuclei
        9. Diffractive Phenomena and Shadowing in Deep-Inelastic Scattering
        10. Gluon Polarization in Nucleons
        11. XcJ Production in e+e- Annihilation
        12. Chiral Constituent Quarks and Their Role in Quark Distribution Functions of Nucleon and Pion
        13. Structure of the Constituent Quark and Quark Distributions of Hadrons
        14. Coherent Photo and Lepto Production of Vector Mesons from Deuterium
        15. Color Coherence Effects in Coherent Vector Meson Production
        16. Effective Kaon Mass in Dense Baryonic Matter: Role of Correlations
        17. Hard Exclusive Meson Production and Nonforward Parton Distributions
        18. Modification of the Phi Meson Spectrum in Nuclear Matter
        19. Solitons Bound to Heavy Mesons
        20. S-wave Interactions of Kbar and Eta Mesons in Nuclear Matter
        21. Deeply Bound Pionic States and the Effective Pion Mass in Nuclear Systems
        22. Quarks, Hadrons and Dense Nuclear Matter
        23. Peripheral Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shifts and Chiral Symmetry
        24. The Reaction piN -> pipiN Above Threshold in Chiral Perturbation Theory
        25. NLO Corrections to Deeply-Virtual Compton Scattering
        26. Statistical Properties at the Spectrum Edge of the QCD Dirac Operator
        27. The Microscopic Spectrum of the QCD Dirac Operator with Finite Quark Masses
        28. Universal Spectral Correlations of the Dirac Operator at Finite Temperature
      2. Nuclear Structure Calculations
        1. On the Shell Structure of Nuclear Bubbles
        2. Response and Correlation Functions for Heated Nuclei
        3. Effects of Pair Correlations on Nuclear Transport
        4. A Quantal Transport Theory for Nuclear Collective Motion: the Merits of a Locally Harmonic Approximation
        5. Monopole Giant Resonances and Nuclear Compressibility in Relativistic Mean Field Theory
        6. A Giant Halo at the Neutron Drip Line
        7. Application of Finite Element Methods in the Relativistic Mean-Field Theory: Spherical Nucleus
        8. Computer Program for the Relativistic Mean Field Description of the Ground State Properties of Even-Even Axially Deformed Nuclei
        9. Density Dependent Relativistic Mean Field Theory in Deformed Nuclei
        10. Application of the Effective Gauge Invariant Nuclear Lagrangian for Nuclear Matter and Finite Nuclei
        11. Ground State Properties of the fi-Stable Nuclei in Various Mean Field Theories
        12. Masses and Radii of Spherical Nuclei Calculated in Various Microscopic Approaches
        13. A Microscopic Study of the Giant Dipole Resonance Gamma Absorption Cross Section in Hot Rotating Nuclei
        14. The Pseudo-Spin Symmetry in Realistic Nuclei
        15. The RPA Strength Function in the Presence of Thermal Fluctuations
        16. A New Parameterization for the Lagrangian Density of Relativistic Mean Field Theory
        17. Proton Drip-Line Nuclei in Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Theory
        18. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics in Time-Dependent Relativistic Mean-Field Theory
        19. Relativistic Description of High Spin States
        20. Relativistic Description of High Spin States
        21. Reduction of the Spin-Orbit Potential in Light Drip-Line Nuclei
        22. Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Theory in Coordinate Space: Finite Element Solution for a Nuclear System with Spherical Symmetry
        23. Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Theory with Finite Range Pairing Forces in Coordinate Space: Neutron Halo in Light Nuclei
        24. Relativistic Mean-Field Description of Light Lambda Hypernuclei with Large Neutron Excess
        25. Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Description of the Neutron Drip-Line in Light Nuclei
        26. Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Description of Ground-State Properties of Ni and Sn Isotopes
        27. Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Description of the Lithium Isotopes
        28. Relativistic Mean Field Theory in Rotating Frame: Single-Particle Properties at Superdeformation
        29. Excitation Energy of Superdeformed Bands in Relativistic Mean Field Theory
        30. Density Dependent Relativistic Mean Field Theory for Nuclear Matter and Finite Nuclei with Large Charge Asymmetry
        31. Differences Among Ground-State-Equivalent Effective Nuclear Interactions
        32. Mass Formula Coefficients from Fits to Calculated Masses and from Direct Microscopic Calculations
        33. Relativistic Thomas-Fermi (RTF) Scaling Calculations of Compressed Nuclei
        34. Scaling-Model Analysis of Nuclear Breathing Modes in View of a Realistic Relativistic Mean-Field Parametrization
        35. A Phenomenological Neutron-Proton Interaction in the Lead Region
      3. Nuclear Reactions
        1. Higher Order Effects in the Coulomb Dissociation of 8B into 7B + p
        2. Statistical Fluctuations for the Fission Process on its Decent from Saddle to Scission
      4. Nuclear Astrophysics
        1. Impact of Medium Effects on the Cooling of Non-Superfluid and Superfluid Neutron Stars
        2. Neutron Superfluidity in Strongly Magnetic Interiors of Neutron Stars and its Effect on Thermal Evolution
        3. Differences in the Cooling Behavior of Strange Quark Matter Stars and Neutron Stars
        4. Are Strange Stars Distinguishable from Neutron Stars by Their Cooling Behaviour ?
        5. Neutron Star Properties in the Thomas-Fermi Model
        6. Neutron Star Properties with Relativistic Equations of State
        7. Quark matter, Massive Stars, and Strange Planets
      5. Heavy Ion Collisions
        1. Heavy Ion Collisions as Test for Microscopic Nuclear Matter Models
        2. Temperature and Instabilities in Relativistic Heavy Ion Reactions
      1. Publications and Reports
      2. Conference Contributions
      3. PhD Theses
      4. Diploma Theses