Jahresbericht 1999 Annual Report
Accelerator Facility
Tandem Operation
Nuclear Spectroscopy
Investigation of the Double Proton
Decay of 17Ne
Core Polarization in the Light of New
Experimental g Factors of fp Shell N=28 Isotones
Experimental g Factors and Lifetimes of
58-Ni in Comparison with Shell Model Calculations
Shell Model Calculations of 89Zr
The 91Zr(p,t)89Zr Reaction
Decay Properties of P-Rich Nuclei near
Measurement of the 114Cd(d,t)113Cd
Microscopic Calculations of the
123Sb(p,t)121Sb Reaction Cross Sections
Shell Model Description of the Level
Structure of 120Sn
The Special Nuclear Structure of 131Te
Spectroscopy of 159Gd via (d,p) and
(d,t) Reactions
Gamma-vibrational states in 180Ta
Gamma-vibrational States in 181Ta
Population of Isomers in 181Ta via
Coulomb Excitation
In-beam Spectroscopy of 231Pa
Fission Fragment Mass Distribution in
the Third Minimum of Actinide Nuclei
Spectroscopy in the Superdeformed
Minimum of 240Pu
Micro-Structure of Vibrational
Resonances in Superdeformed 240Pu
Nuclear Reactions
Deeply Bound pi- States and the
Pion-Nucleus Potential
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry with Heavy Ions
Antropogenic and Supernova Produced
Plutonium Isotopes in Deep-sea Manganese Encrustations
Measurement of 26Al in Antarctic Ice
Dose Reconstruction for the A-Bomb
Survivors in Hiroshima with the Fast Neutron Monitor 63Ni
Thin and Thick Target Cross Sections
for the Production of 53Mn and 60Fe in Meteorites
53Mn in Martian Meteorites
36Cl Measurements with Respect to the
Hiroshima Discrepancy
Measurement of CH3Cl in the atmosphere
Interaction of Heavy Ions with Condensed Matter
Huge Sputtering of Alkali Halides in
the Electronic Stopping Regime
H and He Capture from Random to
Channeling Flux in Transmission of Si Crystal Foils
Thermal Spike Effect in Sputtering of
Metals with Energetic Heavy Ions
Particle Physics
The OPAL Experiment at LEP
Z0 Lineshape and Asymmetries Measured
Pi0, eta, K0 and Charged Particle
Multiplicities in Quark and Gluon Jets
Determination of the W mass in the
leptonic channel at OPAL
Measurement of MW in the W+W- ->
qqln Channel at OPAL
Study of 5-Jet Events in W Pair Decays
Colour Reconnection in W+W- ->
qq'qq' Events at OPAL
Flavor Independent Search for Neutral
Higgs Bosons
Search for Single Top-quark Production
at LEP2
SM Higgs Searches for H -> WW*
-> l+nl-n with a Mass between 150-190 GeV at LHC
Particle Astrophysics
Cryogenic Detector Development for GNO
Status of the BOREXINO Solar Neutrino
Ir/Au - Proximity Phase Transition
Thermometers for the CRESST Dark Matter Search
High Resolution X-Ray Detectors with
Superconducting Tunnel (SIS and NIS)
Atomic Physics
Towards Crystalline Ion Beams in PALLAS
Systematic Investigation of Ultra-cold
Bunched 9Be+ Beams at the TSR
Nuclear Mass Spectrometry
Progress of Schottky Mass Measurements
Using New Signal-Analyzer at the ESR
First Isochronous Mass Measurements of
Short-lived Fragments
Applications of Nuclear Techniques and Interdisciplinary
Nuclear Physics
Multi-MeV Electron Beam Generation by
Direct Laser Acceleration in High-density Plasma Channels
In Vivo Proton Radiography on the PSI
Direct Ion Spectroscopy in
Relativistic Laser Plasmas
TOF Spectroscopy of Fusion Neutrons in
Relativistic Laser Plasmas
Progress Report of the Munich
Accelerator for Fission Fragments MAFF
RF and Beam Tests with the REX-ISOLDE
Status of the IH Structure for
Status of the REX-ISOLDE Project
Emittance Measurements at the
REX-ISOLDE Test Beamline
Design of the IH-7-Gap Structure
(IH7SS) for MAFF
Experimental Studies on the Occurrence
of a Water-Hammer in an Evacuated Beam Tube
High Accuracy Mass Determination of
Unstable Nuclei with the Penning Trap Mass Spectrometer ISOLTRAP at
Technological Laboratories
Technological Laboratory of the LMU
Technological Laboratory of the TUM
VUV Optics for the HADES Project
Instrumental Developments
Generating Volt Meter
First Submicron Beam at the Scanning
Ion Microprobe SNAKE
The Superconducting Multipole Lens for
A Detector System for 3-dimensional
Hydrogen Analysis by Proton Proton Scattering at SNAKE
0-degree Magnetic Spectrograph for
Stimulated Desorption of Negative
Hydrogen Ions from Diamond [100]
A slow control system for the HADES
Commissioning of the HADES-RICH
First Experiences with the HADES-RICH
Readout Electronics
A New Detector System for Measuring
the Bound State Beta-decay of Fully Ionized 205Tl at the ESR
Investigation of an Atomic Internal
Lead Target for a Recycling Ring of Radioactive Ion Beams
The Buffer Gas Cell and the Extraction
Status of the MINIBALL Array
Readout Electronics for
Time-of-Flight Mass Measurements at ESR
A Stern-Gerlach Source for Intense
and Bright Beams of Negative Polarized Hydrogen Ions
Spin Relaxation at the HERMES
Internal Deuterium Gas Target
Autocalibration of ATLAS MDT Chamber
r-t Relationship and Resolution for
the ATLAS Drift-Tube Gas Ar/CO2 (93/7)
A Cosmic Ray Telescope for Chamber
Calibration, Hardware Progress and Simulation
Calibration of the Wire Positions of
the Atlas Muon Spectrometer
Shower Production by Highly Energetic
Irradiation Response of Straw
MAFF Fission Target Development
UCN Production with the Upgraded
Mark3000 Apparatus
UCN Detector Development
The Mini-D2 Source for Ultra-Cold
Data Acquisition
First Operation of the HADES Data
Acquisition System with Beam
Status of the DAQ System of the
COMPASS Experiment
Hadron Structure
Comments on Exclusive
Electroproduction of Transversely PolarizedVector Mesons
Coherence Phenomena in Nuclear
Deep-inelastic Scattering
Constituent Quarks and g1
Conformal String Operators and Skewed
Parton Distributions
Chiral SU(3) Dynamics with Coupled
Channels: Inclusion of P-Wave Multipoles
Nuclear Deep-Inelastic Lepton
Scattering and Coherence Phenomena
The eta' in Baryon Chiral
Perturbation Theory
The eta' as Topological Charge Density
g1 at Low x and Low Q^2 with
Polarized HERA
Gluons and the eta'-Nucleon Coupling
Gluon Topology and the Spin Structure
of the Constituent Quark
Higher Partial Waves in an Effective
Field Theory Approach to nd Scattering
Non-Hermitian Random Matrix Theory
and Lattice QCD with Chemical Potential
NLO Corrections and Contribution of a
Tensor Gluon Operator to the Process gamma* gamma -> pi pi
Predictions of Chiral Random Matrix
Theory and Lattice QCD Results
QCD Aspects of Hadron Physics
QCD Sum Rules and Heavy Quark Systems
in the Nuclear Medium
QCD Spectral Sum Rules and
Spontaneously Broken Chiral Symmetry
Resonances and Higher Twist in
Polarized Lepton-Nucleon Scattering
Random Matrix Theory and Chiral
Supercritical Confinement
Scale Dependence of QCD String
The Spin Structure of Constituent
A Sketch of Two and Three Bodies
Nuclear Structure Calculations
Superheavy and Hyperheavy Nuclei in
the Form of Bubbles or Semi-bubbles
Compressed Nuclei in Relativistic
Thomas-Fermi Approximation
Nuclear Surface Properties and
Spin-orbit Potential in a Modified Derivative Coupling Model
Nuclear Astrophysics
Impact of Internal Heating on the
Thermal Evolution of Neutron Stars
Properties of Non-rotating and
Rapidly Rotating Protoneutron Stars
Quasi-periodic Oscillations in
Low-mass X-ray Binaries and Constraints on the Equation of State of
Neutron Star Matter
Heavy Ion Collisions
Thermodynamical Variables from
Spectator Decay in Heavy Ion Reactions
Non-equilibrium Effects in Extracting
the EOS in Heavy Ion Collisions
Nuclear Transport
Damping of Collective Motion in a
Rotating Nucleus - a Linear Response Approach
Pairing and Shell Effects in the
Transport Coefficients of Collective Motion
Nuclear Transport at Low Excitations
Publications and Reports
Conference Contributions
Habil Theses
PhD Theses
Diploma Theses