Jahresbericht 2006 Annual Report
Accelerator Facility
- Tandem Operation
- Nuclear Spectroscopy
- Spectroscopic Studies of 18O, 19O and 20O using the (7Li,p)-Reaction
- Search for the E0 Transition from the Deformed 0+2 State in 30Mg
- Relativistic 1n Knockout in 48,50Ca and 56Ti
- The 62Ni(p->, α)59Co Reaction at 23 MeV
- The 63Cu(p->, α)60Ni Reaction at 23 MeV
- The 120Sn(p,t)118Sn Reaction at 21 MeV
- The 121Sb(p,t)119Sb Reaction at 21 MeV
- Coulex of Neutron-rich Isotopes around 132Sn @ REX-ISOLDE
- g-Factor Measurements on Coulomb Excited Radioactive 138Xe Beams of 2.87 MeV/A at REX-ISOLDE
- First Measurement of the Monopole Strength in the Well-deformed Rare Earth Isotopes 154Sm and 166Er
- Positive Parity States in 208Pb
- γ-Spectroscopy of the Odd-N Fission Isomers 237fPu
- Evolution of 2γ+ Wave-functions and Gamma-stiffness in Well-deformed Rare Earth Nuclei
- Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
- Study of the 60Ni (n,2n)59Ni Reaction from Threshold to 20 MeV and the Half-life of 59Ni
- New Determination of the Half-Life of 60Fe - Measurement of the Activity
- The Excitation Function for the Production of 53Mn via the Spallation Reaction natPb + p
- Study of the Supernova Nuclear Reaction 40Ca(α ,γ)44Ti in the Energy Regime Important for Nucleosynthesis
- Measurements of In-situ Produced 53Mn in Rocks
- Elementary Particle and Hadron Physics
- Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the Dilepton Channel with the Matrix Element Method at the DØ Experiment
- Measurement of the Associated Production of Z-Bosons and Jets with the DØ Detector at the TeVatron
- Top Quark Mass Measurement at DØ with the Matrix Element Method in the Lepton+Jets Channel
- Using b Identification for an Improved Top Mass Measurement with the Matrix Element Method at DØ
- Combination of Single Muon Triggers at the DØ Experiment
- Search for Second Generation Scalar Leptoquarks with the DØ Detector
- Search for Second Generation Leptoquarks with ATLAS at the LHC
- Muon Reconstruction and the Search for Leptoquarks at the LHC
- Muon Isolation Studies in Higgs Boson Decays with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
- Muon Trigger Studies for the ATLAS Detector
- QCD Background for Semileptonic tt Decays in ATLAS at the LHC
- Measurement of pp --> Z --> μμ Cross-section at the ATLAS Experiment with the first 10 pb-1 at √s =14 TeV
- Search for SUSY Trilepton Events with ATLAS at the LHC
- tt Decay into Six Jets in the First Year of ATLAS@LHC
- Recent Results from COMPASS
- Observation of the Resonance Σ (1385) in the p+CH_2/CD2@3.5 GeV with the FOPI Spectrometer
- Measurement of e+e- Pairs in C+C Collisions at E=1A GeV with HADES
- Particle Astrophysics
- Dark Matter Detection with CRESST
- Atomic Physics
- Experiments with the Negative Positronium Ion
- Stopping Highly Charged Ions in a Laser-cooled Plasma
- VUV and XUX Light Sources
- Applications of Nuclear Techniques and Interdisciplinary Nuclear Physics
- Design Study of Table-Top Free-Electron-Lasers
- Proton Activation Analysis for Tracer Kinetic Studies with Stable Isotopes of Zirconium
- Hydrogen Analysis of Minerals from the Earth Mantle
- Water Stored as OH in Orthopyroxene and Olivine in Peridotites from the Upper Earth Mantle: Combining Infrared Spectroscopy and Proton--Proton--Scattering
- Quantification of Hydrogen Traces in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals
- RBS Investigations of Layered Targets for SIS18 Beam Loss Collimators
- The Electron-phonon Mean Free Path as a Link between Electronic Energy Deposition and Track Size in Insulators
- Desorption Yield Measurements of Copper with UHV-ERDA
- Sequential and Parallel Implantation of Al and N into SiO2
- Accelerator
- Characterization of the MAFF Fission Target
- Instrumental Developments
- Production of Ultracold Neutrons (UCN) at the TRIGA Mainz
- The Proton Detector for the Neutron Lifetime Experiment PENeLOPE
- PENeLOPE - Preparations for a Precise Neutron Lifetime Measurement
- Progress Report on the Retardation Spectrometer aSPECT
- Localisation of Volatile Isotopes on Cryotraps
- A New Setup for Transfer Reactions at REX-ISOLDE
- Development of a Drift-Time Spectrometer for Superheavy Elements
- From MLL-IonCatcher to MLLTRAP
- Characterization of Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Detectors with the Heavy Ion Microscope SNAKE
- Adaption of the Cell Irradiation Setup at SNAKE for Live Cell Imaging
- Installation and Commissioning of ATLAS MDT Chambers at CERN
- Pulse Shape Analysis for MINIBALL
- A Triple-GEM Detector with Pixel Readout for High-Rate Beam Tracking in COMPASS
- Spatial Resolution of ATLAS Muon Drift Tubes with Neutron Background Radiation
- Atlas MDT Chambers in Neutron Background
- Data Acquisition, Computing and Analysis
- Monitoring the ATLAS Production System
- LCG Tier2 Setup at LRZ
- DDM Operations for the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC
- Distributed Analysis Experiences within D-GRID
- Hadron Structure
- Chiral Extrapolation of Generalized Parton Distribution Functions
- Nuclear Chiral Dynamics: Spin-Isospin Excitations
- Chiral Extrapolations in Covariant BChPT
- The Pion Form Factor from Lattic QCD
- Transverse Spin Densities of Quarks in the Nucleon from Lattice QCD
- Scales in Nuclear Matter: Chiral Dynamics with πN Form Factors
- Chiral Effective Field Theory and Renormalization Group Methods
- Chiral Extrapolation of gA with Explicit Δ(1232) Degrees of Freedom
- Minimal Lepton Flavour Violation and Special Cases of CP Violation
- High Energy Physics
- Polyakov Loop, Quasiparticles and QCD Phase Diagram
- Implications of the Measured B0s — B0s Mass Difference ΔMs: Constrained Minimal Flavour Violation and Beyond
- K and B Physics in the Littlest Higgs Model with T-Parity
- Nuclear Matter
- Investigation of the Nuclear Symmetry Energy by Particle Production in Heavy Ion Collisions
- Publications and Reports
- Conference Contributions
- PhD & Habil Theses
- Diploma Theses
- Index