Jahresbericht 2006 Annual Report

  1. Preface
  2. Accelerator Facility
  3. Personnel
  4. Contributions
    1. TANDEM
      1. Tandem Operation
      1. Nuclear Spectroscopy
        1. Spectroscopic Studies of 18O, 19O and 20O using the (7Li,p)-Reaction
        2. Search for the E0 Transition from the Deformed 0+2 State in 30Mg
        3. Relativistic 1n Knockout in 48,50Ca and 56Ti
        4. The 62Ni(p->, α)59Co Reaction at 23 MeV
        5. The 63Cu(p->, α)60Ni Reaction at 23 MeV
        6. The 120Sn(p,t)118Sn Reaction at 21 MeV
        7. The 121Sb(p,t)119Sb Reaction at 21 MeV
        8. Coulex of Neutron-rich Isotopes around 132Sn @ REX-ISOLDE
        9. g-Factor Measurements on Coulomb Excited Radioactive 138Xe Beams of 2.87 MeV/A at REX-ISOLDE
        10. First Measurement of the Monopole Strength in the Well-deformed Rare Earth Isotopes 154Sm and 166Er
        11. Positive Parity States in 208Pb
        12. γ-Spectroscopy of the Odd-N Fission Isomers 237fPu
        13. Evolution of 2γ+ Wave-functions and Gamma-stiffness in Well-deformed Rare Earth Nuclei
      2. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
        1. Study of the 60Ni (n,2n)59Ni Reaction from Threshold to 20 MeV and the Half-life of 59Ni
        2. New Determination of the Half-Life of 60Fe - Measurement of the Activity
        3. The Excitation Function for the Production of 53Mn via the Spallation Reaction natPb + p
        4. Study of the Supernova Nuclear Reaction 40Ca(α ,γ)44Ti in the Energy Regime Important for Nucleosynthesis
        5. Measurements of In-situ Produced 53Mn in Rocks
      3. Elementary Particle and Hadron Physics
        1. Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the Dilepton Channel with the Matrix Element Method at the DØ Experiment
        2. Measurement of the Associated Production of Z-Bosons and Jets with the DØ Detector at the TeVatron
        3. Top Quark Mass Measurement at DØ with the Matrix Element Method in the Lepton+Jets Channel
        4. Using b Identification for an Improved Top Mass Measurement with the Matrix Element Method at DØ
        5. Combination of Single Muon Triggers at the DØ Experiment
        6. Search for Second Generation Scalar Leptoquarks with the DØ Detector
        7. Search for Second Generation Leptoquarks with ATLAS at the LHC
        8. Muon Reconstruction and the Search for Leptoquarks at the LHC
        9. Muon Isolation Studies in Higgs Boson Decays with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
        10. Muon Trigger Studies for the ATLAS Detector
        11. QCD Background for Semileptonic tt Decays in ATLAS at the LHC
        12. Measurement of pp --> Z --> μμ Cross-section at the ATLAS Experiment with the first 10 pb-1 at √s =14 TeV
        13. Search for SUSY Trilepton Events with ATLAS at the LHC
        14. tt Decay into Six Jets in the First Year of ATLAS@LHC
        15. Recent Results from COMPASS
        16. Observation of the Resonance Σ (1385) in the p+CH_2/CD2@3.5 GeV with the FOPI Spectrometer
        17. Measurement of e+e- Pairs in C+C Collisions at E=1A GeV with HADES
      4. Particle Astrophysics
        1. Dark Matter Detection with CRESST
        2. LENA
      5. Atomic Physics
        1. Experiments with the Negative Positronium Ion
        2. Stopping Highly Charged Ions in a Laser-cooled Plasma
        3. VUV and XUX Light Sources
      6. Applications of Nuclear Techniques and Interdisciplinary Nuclear Physics
        1. Design Study of Table-Top Free-Electron-Lasers
        2. Proton Activation Analysis for Tracer Kinetic Studies with Stable Isotopes of Zirconium
        3. Hydrogen Analysis of Minerals from the Earth Mantle
        4. Water Stored as OH in Orthopyroxene and Olivine in Peridotites from the Upper Earth Mantle: Combining Infrared Spectroscopy and Proton--Proton--Scattering
        5. Quantification of Hydrogen Traces in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals
        6. RBS Investigations of Layered Targets for SIS18 Beam Loss Collimators
        7. The Electron-phonon Mean Free Path as a Link between Electronic Energy Deposition and Track Size in Insulators
        8. Desorption Yield Measurements of Copper with UHV-ERDA
        9. Sequential and Parallel Implantation of Al and N into SiO2
        1. Accelerator
          1. Characterization of the MAFF Fission Target
        2. Instrumental Developments
          1. Production of Ultracold Neutrons (UCN) at the TRIGA Mainz
          2. The Proton Detector for the Neutron Lifetime Experiment PENeLOPE
          3. PENeLOPE - Preparations for a Precise Neutron Lifetime Measurement
          4. Progress Report on the Retardation Spectrometer aSPECT
          5. Localisation of Volatile Isotopes on Cryotraps
          6. A New Setup for Transfer Reactions at REX-ISOLDE
          7. Development of a Drift-Time Spectrometer for Superheavy Elements
          8. From MLL-IonCatcher to MLLTRAP
          9. Characterization of Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Detectors with the Heavy Ion Microscope SNAKE
          10. Adaption of the Cell Irradiation Setup at SNAKE for Live Cell Imaging
          11. Installation and Commissioning of ATLAS MDT Chambers at CERN
          12. Pulse Shape Analysis for MINIBALL
          13. A Triple-GEM Detector with Pixel Readout for High-Rate Beam Tracking in COMPASS
          14. Spatial Resolution of ATLAS Muon Drift Tubes with Neutron Background Radiation
          15. Atlas MDT Chambers in Neutron Background
        3. Data Acquisition, Computing and Analysis
          1. Monitoring the ATLAS Production System
          2. LCG Tier2 Setup at LRZ
          3. DDM Operations for the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC
          4. Distributed Analysis Experiences within D-GRID
      8. THEORY
        1. Hadron Structure
          1. Chiral Extrapolation of Generalized Parton Distribution Functions
          2. Nuclear Chiral Dynamics: Spin-Isospin Excitations
          3. Chiral Extrapolations in Covariant BChPT
          4. The Pion Form Factor from Lattic QCD
          5. Transverse Spin Densities of Quarks in the Nucleon from Lattice QCD
          6. Scales in Nuclear Matter: Chiral Dynamics with πN Form Factors
          7. Chiral Effective Field Theory and Renormalization Group Methods
          8. Chiral Extrapolation of gA with Explicit Δ(1232) Degrees of Freedom
          9. Minimal Lepton Flavour Violation and Special Cases of CP Violation
        2. High Energy Physics
          1. Polyakov Loop, Quasiparticles and QCD Phase Diagram
          2. Implications of the Measured B0sB0s Mass Difference ΔMs: Constrained Minimal Flavour Violation and Beyond
          3. K and B Physics in the Littlest Higgs Model with T-Parity
        3. Nuclear Matter
          1. Investigation of the Nuclear Symmetry Energy by Particle Production in Heavy Ion Collisions
        1. Publications and Reports
        2. Conference Contributions
        3. PhD & Habil Theses
        4. Diploma Theses
        5. Index