Jahresbericht 2001 Annual Report

  1. Preface
  2. Accelerator Facility
  3. Personnel
  4. Contributions
    1. TANDEM
      1. Tandem Operation
      2. The Tandem Control System
      1. Nuclear Spectroscopy
        1. Investigation of the Two Proton Decay of 17Ne
        2. Structure Studies of 15C Using the 9Be(7Li,p) Reaction
        3. New Experimental Campaign on the 20Ne g(41+) Factor
        4. New g Factor Measurement of the First 21+ State of 44Ca
        5. Low-lying States of 85Rb
        6. 86Sr States Homologous to the Low-lying States of 85Rb
        7. Gamov-Teller Decay of Nuclei Near 100Sn
        8. Spectroscopy of 110Sn via (p,t) Reaction
        9. High Resolution Measurement of the 123Sb(p->,&alpha)120Sn Reaction: Low Lying States
        10. Spectroscopy of 193Os via the (d->,p) Reaction
        11. Spectroscopy of 194Ir via the (d->,&alpha) Reaction
        12. Spectroscopy of 196Au via the (d->,&alpha) Reaction
        13. Realistic Shell-Model Calculations for 110Sn
        14. Evolution of Nuclear Level Densities
      2. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
        1. Measurement of the 25Mg(p,&gamma)26Al Reaction at Stellar Energies
        2. Measurement of 26Al at the South Pole
        3. New 36Cl Measurements on Samples from Hiroshima
        4. Recycling of Bomb Produced 36Cl
        5. 41Ca - A Radionuclide 'Baring its Teeth' for Neutron Dosimetry
        6. 26Al-53Mn Exposure Ages of Lodranites and Acapulcoites
        7. 63Ni Produced by Fast Neutrons of the Hiroshima Bomb: Status of Measurements
        8. 131I Dose Reconstruction in the Former Soviet-Union (FSU) by Measurement of 129I
        9. AMS Depth Profiling of Tritium and Deuterium - a Sensitive Tool for Diagnose in Fusion Experiments
      3. Interaction of Heavy Ions with Condensed Matter
        1. On the Track of the Ion Induced Thermal Spike
        2. Charge State Distributions of Channeled Ions in Cooling/Heating Regime
        3. Channeling Transmission Images for Ag Ions Passed Through 1 &mu m Pt crystal
        4. Channeling of Heavy Ions
      4. Particle Physics
        1. Search for Single Top-quark Production at LEP2
        2. The Determination of the W Boson Mass
        3. Measurement of MW and &GammaW in the W+W- -> qq'ln Channel at OPAL
        4. Influence of Color Reconnection on the Determination of the W Boson Mass
        5. Combination of LEP1 S-Matrix Results
        6. Bose Einstein Correlations in &pi0&pi0 and &eta&eta Pairs Produced in Z0 Decays
        7. Search for Lepton Flavour Violation e+e- Collisions at sqrt(s) = 189 to 209 GeV
        8. Associated Higgs Production at Tevatron and LHC
        9. Studies of Neutralino Decays in ATLAS
        10. The D0 Experiment
        11. The Level-2 Forward-Muon Trigger at the D0 Experiment
        12. Measurement of &pi0-induced Leptons with the HADES-RICH Detector
      5. Particle Astrophysics
        1. Status of the BOREXINO Solar Neutrino Experiment
        2. Cryogenic Detectors for the Solar Neutrino Experiment GNO
        3. A High Resolution X-Ray Detector based on Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
        4. Ir/Au--Proximity Phase Transition Thermometers for the CRESST Dark Matter Search
      6. Atomic Physics
        1. Crystalline Ion Beams in PALLAS
        2. MeV Ion Jets from Shortpulse-Laser-Plasma Interaction with Thin Foils
        3. Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOFMS) Using Single Photon Ionisation (SPI) via Particle Beam Induced VUV Excimer Light
      7. Applications of Nuclear Techniques and Interdisciplinary Nuclear Physics
        1. ERD Analysis of Reactively Sputtered NiO Films for Spin-Valve Structures
        2. Range Distributions of Low--Energy Carbon Ions in Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Thin--Films
        3. Characterisation of the Superconducting Multipole Lens for SNAKE
        4. Performance of the New Nuclear Microprobe SNAKE
        5. 3D Hydrogen Microscopy Using The High Energy Proton Probe SNAKE
        6. Diffusion Mechanisms in Biocompatible Titania Surface Layers
        7. Raman Spectroscopy of Tissue Samples After Irradiation by 24 MeV Protons
      1. Accelerator
        1. An Overview of the Status of MAFF
        2. Status of the Target Ion Source for MAFF
        3. Status of the IH-7-gap Structure (IH7SS) for MAFF
        4. Comparison of 4-Rod- and IH-RFQ accelerators at 101 MHz
        5. Accumulation Cooling and Bunching of Radioactive Ions in REXTRAP
        6. Commissioning of REX-ISOLDE
      2. Instrumental Developments
        1. MAFF Fission Target Development
        2. Development of a Cryopanel for the MAFF Beamline
        3. First Successful Operation of the SHIPTRAP Facility
        4. The Gas Cell and Extraction RFQ for SHIPTRAP
        5. Installation of the MINIBALL Spectrometer at REX-ISOLDE
        6. Production of Straw Detectors for the COMPASS Experiment
        7. Development of a Solar Cell Fission Fragment Detector Array
        8. ECR Source for Beams of Negative Hydrogen Ions
        9. First Results with 3 Chambers at the Cosmic-Ray Test-Facility
        10. Optical Alignment of ATLAS Muon Chambers in the Cosmic Ray Test Facility
        11. First Experience with the Drift Tube Electronics for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer at the Cosmic Ray Facility
        12. Fast Trigger and Position Detector Based on a Single Solenoid-Shaped Scintillating Fibre
        13. Uniformity of Drift Properties in ATLAS MDT Chambers
        14. Progress Report on the Mini-D2 Source for Ultra-Cold Neutrons
        15. UCN production in superfluid helium
        16. Measurements of the Properties of a Si Detector for Ultracold Neutrons
        17. A Permanent-magnet Storage Device for Neutron Lifetime Measurements
        18. aSPECT - a New Spectrometer to Measure the ratio gA/gV of the Weak Coupling Constants
        19. Emittance Measurements at the Jyväskylä RFQ-Cooler
        20. Study of Photon Detector Response of the HADES-RICH Detector
      3. Data Acquisition
        1. Concept and Status of the New HADES Run Control
        2. Performance of the HADES Data Acquisition System
      4. Technological Laboratories
        1. Technological Laboratory of the TUM
    4. THEORY
      1. Hadron Structure
        1. Spin Structure in Non-Forward Partons
        2. Study of Relativistic Bound States in a Scalar Model Using Diagonalization/Monte Carlo Methods
        3. U(3) Chiral Perturbation Theory with Infrared Regularization
        4. Non-Critical Properties of the &phi4-Theory from the Thermal Renormalization Group
        5. Note on the Impact Parameter Analysis of High Energy Proton Proton Collisions
        6. Aspects of Near Threshold Neutral Pion Photoproduction off Protons
        7. The &omega Meson at High Temperatures
        8. Systematic Calculation of s-Wave Pion and Kaon Self-Energies in Asymmetric Nuclear Matter
        9. Hadrons with Charmed Quarks in the Nuclear Medium
        10. The S Wave Pion Deuteron Scattering Length in Effective Field Theory
        11. Quasiparticle Description of Lattice QCD Thermodynamics
        12. Chiral Dynamics and Nuclear Matter
        13. Isospin Breaking in Neutron &beta -Decay and SU(3) Violation in Semi-Leptonic Hyperon Decays
        14. Chiral Corrections to Kaon-Nucleon Scattering Lengths
        15. Phases of QCD, Thermal Quasiparticles and Dilepton Radiation from a Fireball
        16. &eta - &eta' Mixing in U(3) Chiral Perturbation Theory
        17. The &eta' -> &eta &pi&pi Decay in U(3) Chiral Perturbation Theory
        18. Nuclear Mean Field from Chiral Pion-Nucleon Dynamics
        19. Chiral 2&pi -Exchange NN-Potentials: Two-Loop Contributions
        20. An Introduction to Few Nucleon Systems in Effective Field Theory
        21. Note on Finite Temperature Sum Rules for Vector and Axial-Vector Spectral Functions
        22. Final State Interaction and a Light Mass "Exotic" Resonance
      2. Nuclear Structure Calculations
        1. Compressed Nuclei in a Schematic Relativistic Mean-Field Description
        2. Mapping the Proton Drip Line from Z=31 to Z=49
        3. Isoscalar Compression Modes in Relativistic Random Phase Approximation
        4. Effective Field Theory for Rotational Bands in Deformed and Superdeformed Nuclei
        5. Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Description of Sizes and Shapes of A=20 Isobars
        6. Relativistic Field Theories and the Microscopic Description of the Nuclear System
        7. Pygmy Dipole Resonances in Relativistic Random Phase Approximation
        8. Collectivity of the Low-lying Dipole Strength in Relativistic Random Phase Approximation
        9. On the Solution of the Number-Projected Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Equations
        10. The Relativistic Random Phase Approximation and Applications for Nuclei with Large Neutron Excess
        11. The Time-Dependent Relativistic Mean-Field Theory and the Random Phase Approximation
      3. Nuclear Astrophysics
        1. Influence of the Properties of Protoneutron Stars on the Minimum and Maximum Mass of Neutron Stars and the Delayed Collapse
      4. Nuclear Transport
        1. Nuclear Fission: The "Onset of Dissipation" from a Microscopic Point of View
        2. Improvements for the Partition Function of a Many Body System
        3. Self-Consistent Quantal Treatment of Decay Rates for Damped Systems
      5. Heavy Ion Collisions
        1. Isospin Dynamics in Fragmentation in Heavy Ion Collisions
        2. Test of EOS in Heavy Ion Collisions
        3. Equal-Time Formulation for Off-Shell Transport Theory
      1. Publications and Reports
      2. Conference Contributions
      3. PhD & Habil Theses
      4. Diploma Theses