Jahresbericht 2001 Annual Report
Accelerator Facility
- Tandem Operation
- The Tandem Control System
- Nuclear Spectroscopy
- Investigation of the Two Proton Decay of 17Ne
- Structure Studies of 15C Using the 9Be(7Li,p) Reaction
- New Experimental Campaign on the 20Ne g(41+) Factor
- New g Factor Measurement of the First 21+ State of 44Ca
- Low-lying States of 85Rb
- 86Sr States Homologous to the Low-lying States of 85Rb
- Gamov-Teller Decay of Nuclei Near 100Sn
- Spectroscopy of 110Sn via (p,t) Reaction
- High Resolution Measurement of the 123Sb(p->,&alpha)120Sn Reaction: Low Lying States
- Spectroscopy of 193Os via the (d->,p) Reaction
- Spectroscopy of 194Ir via the (d->,&alpha) Reaction
- Spectroscopy of 196Au via the (d->,&alpha) Reaction
- Realistic Shell-Model Calculations for 110Sn
- Evolution of Nuclear Level Densities
- Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
- Measurement of the 25Mg(p,&gamma)26Al Reaction at Stellar Energies
- Measurement of 26Al at the South Pole
- New 36Cl Measurements on Samples from Hiroshima
- Recycling of Bomb Produced 36Cl
- 41Ca - A Radionuclide 'Baring its Teeth' for Neutron Dosimetry
- 26Al-53Mn Exposure Ages of Lodranites and Acapulcoites
- 63Ni Produced by Fast Neutrons of the Hiroshima Bomb: Status of Measurements
- 131I Dose Reconstruction in the Former Soviet-Union (FSU) by Measurement of 129I
- AMS Depth Profiling of Tritium and Deuterium - a Sensitive Tool for Diagnose in Fusion Experiments
- Interaction of Heavy Ions with Condensed Matter
- On the Track of the Ion Induced Thermal Spike
- Charge State Distributions of Channeled Ions in Cooling/Heating Regime
- Channeling Transmission Images for Ag Ions Passed Through 1 &mu m Pt crystal
- Channeling of Heavy Ions
- Particle Physics
- Search for Single Top-quark Production at LEP2
- The Determination of the W Boson Mass
- Measurement of MW and &GammaW in the W+W- -> qq'ln Channel at OPAL
- Influence of Color Reconnection on the Determination of the W Boson Mass
- Combination of LEP1 S-Matrix Results
- Bose Einstein Correlations in &pi0&pi0 and &eta&eta Pairs Produced in Z0 Decays
- Search for Lepton Flavour Violation e+e- Collisions at sqrt(s) = 189 to 209 GeV
- Associated Higgs Production at Tevatron and LHC
- Studies of Neutralino Decays in ATLAS
- The D0 Experiment
- The Level-2 Forward-Muon Trigger at the D0 Experiment
- Measurement of &pi0-induced Leptons with the HADES-RICH Detector
- Particle Astrophysics
- Status of the BOREXINO Solar Neutrino Experiment
- Cryogenic Detectors for the Solar Neutrino Experiment GNO
- A High Resolution X-Ray Detector based on Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
- Ir/Au--Proximity Phase Transition Thermometers for the CRESST Dark Matter Search
- Atomic Physics
- Crystalline Ion Beams in PALLAS
- MeV Ion Jets from Shortpulse-Laser-Plasma Interaction with Thin Foils
- Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOFMS) Using Single Photon Ionisation (SPI) via Particle Beam Induced VUV Excimer Light
- Applications of Nuclear Techniques and Interdisciplinary Nuclear Physics
- ERD Analysis of Reactively Sputtered NiO Films for Spin-Valve Structures
- Range Distributions of Low--Energy Carbon Ions in Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Thin--Films
- Characterisation of the Superconducting Multipole Lens for SNAKE
- Performance of the New Nuclear Microprobe SNAKE
- 3D Hydrogen Microscopy Using The High Energy Proton Probe SNAKE
- Diffusion Mechanisms in Biocompatible Titania Surface Layers
- Raman Spectroscopy of Tissue Samples After Irradiation by 24 MeV Protons
- Accelerator
- An Overview of the Status of MAFF
- Status of the Target Ion Source for MAFF
- Status of the IH-7-gap Structure (IH7SS) for MAFF
- Comparison of 4-Rod- and IH-RFQ accelerators at 101 MHz
- Accumulation Cooling and Bunching of Radioactive Ions in REXTRAP
- Commissioning of REX-ISOLDE
- Instrumental Developments
- MAFF Fission Target Development
- Development of a Cryopanel for the MAFF Beamline
- First Successful Operation of the SHIPTRAP Facility
- The Gas Cell and Extraction RFQ for SHIPTRAP
- Installation of the MINIBALL Spectrometer at REX-ISOLDE
- Production of Straw Detectors for the COMPASS Experiment
- Development of a Solar Cell Fission Fragment Detector Array
- ECR Source for Beams of Negative Hydrogen Ions
- First Results with 3 Chambers at the Cosmic-Ray Test-Facility
- Optical Alignment of ATLAS Muon Chambers in the Cosmic Ray Test Facility
- First Experience with the Drift Tube Electronics for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer at the Cosmic Ray Facility
- Fast Trigger and Position Detector Based on a Single Solenoid-Shaped Scintillating Fibre
- Uniformity of Drift Properties in ATLAS MDT Chambers
- Progress Report on the Mini-D2 Source for Ultra-Cold Neutrons
- UCN production in superfluid helium
- Measurements of the Properties of a Si Detector for Ultracold Neutrons
- A Permanent-magnet Storage Device for Neutron Lifetime Measurements
- aSPECT - a New Spectrometer to Measure the ratio gA/gV of the Weak Coupling Constants
- Emittance Measurements at the Jyväskylä RFQ-Cooler
- Study of Photon Detector Response of the HADES-RICH Detector
- Data Acquisition
- Concept and Status of the New HADES Run Control
- Performance of the HADES Data Acquisition System
- Technological Laboratories
- Technological Laboratory of the TUM
- Hadron Structure
- Spin Structure in Non-Forward Partons
- Study of Relativistic Bound States in a Scalar Model Using Diagonalization/Monte Carlo Methods
- U(3) Chiral Perturbation Theory with Infrared Regularization
- Non-Critical Properties of the &phi4-Theory from the Thermal Renormalization Group
- Note on the Impact Parameter Analysis of High Energy Proton Proton Collisions
- Aspects of Near Threshold Neutral Pion Photoproduction off Protons
- The &omega Meson at High Temperatures
- Systematic Calculation of s-Wave Pion and Kaon Self-Energies in Asymmetric Nuclear Matter
- Hadrons with Charmed Quarks in the Nuclear Medium
- The S Wave Pion Deuteron Scattering Length in Effective Field Theory
- Quasiparticle Description of Lattice QCD Thermodynamics
- Chiral Dynamics and Nuclear Matter
- Isospin Breaking in Neutron &beta -Decay and SU(3) Violation in Semi-Leptonic Hyperon Decays
- Chiral Corrections to Kaon-Nucleon Scattering Lengths
- Phases of QCD, Thermal Quasiparticles and Dilepton Radiation from a Fireball
- &eta - &eta' Mixing in U(3) Chiral Perturbation Theory
- The &eta' -> &eta &pi&pi Decay in U(3) Chiral Perturbation Theory
- Nuclear Mean Field from Chiral Pion-Nucleon Dynamics
- Chiral 2&pi -Exchange NN-Potentials: Two-Loop Contributions
- An Introduction to Few Nucleon Systems in Effective Field Theory
- Note on Finite Temperature Sum Rules for Vector and Axial-Vector Spectral Functions
- Final State Interaction and a Light Mass "Exotic" Resonance
- Nuclear Structure Calculations
- Compressed Nuclei in a Schematic Relativistic Mean-Field Description
- Mapping the Proton Drip Line from Z=31 to Z=49
- Isoscalar Compression Modes in Relativistic Random Phase Approximation
- Effective Field Theory for Rotational Bands in Deformed and Superdeformed Nuclei
- Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Description of Sizes and Shapes of A=20 Isobars
- Relativistic Field Theories and the Microscopic Description of the Nuclear System
- Pygmy Dipole Resonances in Relativistic Random Phase Approximation
- Collectivity of the Low-lying Dipole Strength in Relativistic Random Phase Approximation
- On the Solution of the Number-Projected Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Equations
- The Relativistic Random Phase Approximation and Applications for Nuclei with Large Neutron Excess
- The Time-Dependent Relativistic Mean-Field Theory and the Random Phase Approximation
- Nuclear Astrophysics
- Influence of the Properties of Protoneutron Stars on the Minimum and Maximum Mass of Neutron Stars and the Delayed Collapse
- Nuclear Transport
- Nuclear Fission: The "Onset of Dissipation" from a Microscopic Point of View
- Improvements for the Partition Function of a Many Body System
- Self-Consistent Quantal Treatment of Decay Rates for Damped Systems
- Heavy Ion Collisions
- Isospin Dynamics in Fragmentation in Heavy Ion Collisions
- Test of EOS in Heavy Ion Collisions
- Equal-Time Formulation for Off-Shell Transport Theory
- Publications and Reports
- Conference Contributions
- PhD & Habil Theses
- Diploma Theses