Jahresbericht 2004 Annual Report

  1. Preface
  2. Accelerator Facility
  3. Personnel
  4. Contributions
    1. TANDEM
      1. Tandem Operation
      1. Nuclear Spectroscopy
        1. Towards Two-Neutron Transfer around the Island of Inversion
        2. First Measurements of g Factors of the 21+ States in 36,38Ar and their Shell Model Interpretation
        3. The 44Ca(p->, α)41K Reaction
        4. The 45Sc(p->)42Ca Reaction and the Corresponding Homologous States
        5. Study of 49Ca in One-Neutron Transfer Reactions
        6. One and Two Neutron Transfer Reactions in Normal and Inverse Kinematics
        7. Experimental g Factors and B(E2) Values of Excited States in 64,68Zn Compared to Shell Model Predictions
        8. 112Sn(p,t)110: Microscopic DWBA Calculations
        9. Shell-Model Study of 110Sn
        10. The 112Sn(p,t)110Sn Reaction
        11. Coulomb Excitation of Neutron-rich Cd Isotopes
        12. Systematic Exploration of 0+ States in Deformed Nuclei
        13. Investigation of 0+ Excitations in a Deformed Nucleus: 168Er
        14. Search for a new Picosecond Fission Isomer in 234U
        15. Angular Distribution of Fission Fragments from the 236U(d,pf) Reaction
        16. Towards γ-Spectroscopy of 237fPu
        17. On the Linearity of the Q3D Magnetic Spectrograph
        18. Spectroscopy of η-mesic Nuclei Using Recoilless (d,3He) Reaction
      2. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
        1. Extraterrestrial 53Mn in Hydrogenetic Ferromanganese Crusts from the Pacific Ocean
        2. Development of Isobar Separation for 182Hf AMS Measurements of Astrophysical Interest
        3. 129I Measurements for a Reconstruction of the 131I Releases in Mayak
        4. 129I Measurements of Solid Samples
        5. 26Al in a Manganese Crust: Indication for a Constant Cosmic Ray Flux during the Last Million Years
        6. 60Fe Data: A Fingerprint of a Close-by Supernova 2.8 Myr Ago
      3. Particle Physics
        1. Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Decay Channel H → WW* → μνν+jj at the DØ Experiment
        2. Measurement of the Differential Z0-Boson Production Cross-Section as Function of Transverse Momentum with the DØ Detector at the TeVatron
        3. Search for the Higgs Boson in H -> WW(*) Decays in pp Collisions at √s =1.96 TeV
        4. Measurement of the WW Production Cross Section in pp Collisions at √s =1.96 TeV
        5. Determination of the 3-Jet Ratio in pp Events
        6. Pulser Test of ATLAS Muon Chambers
        7. Search for Supersymmetry in the Trilepton Channel qq&rarr&chi1&chi~02&rarr 3l +ET with the DØ Detector at TeVatron Run II
        8. Determination of the Muon Transfer Function at DØ Run II
        9. Top Mass Measurement at DØ Run II with the Matrix Element Method
        10. Search for Second-Generation Leptoquarks in pp Collisions
      4. Particle Astrophysics
        1. Development of a Cryogenic Detection Concept for the Solar Neutrino Experiment GNO
        2. Dark Matter Search with CRESST
        3. X-Ray Detectors based on Superconducting Tunnel Junctions for Material Analysis
        4. 2β0ν Decay with 150Nd
      5. Atomic Physics
        1. Ultraviolet Emission from Argon Water-vapor Mixtures excited with Low-energy Electron Beams
        2. Development of VUV Light Sources and Lasers
        3. Quenching of the C 3Πu State of N2 (v = 0, 1) by Water Vapour
        4. Laser Cooling and Spectroscopy of Relativistic C3+ Beams at the ESR
        5. First-Principles--Simulation of Charge State and Stopping Power of Swift Heavy Ions in Solids and Plasmas
      6. Applications of Nuclear Techniques and Interdisciplinary Nuclear Physics
        1. Dynamics of Irradiation Induced Foci of γ-H2AX in Living Cells
        2. 3D-Hydrogen Analysis of Ferromagnetic Microstructures in Proton Irradiated Graphite
        3. Charge State Distributions of Ions Accelerated in Shortpulse-Laser-Plasma Interaction
        4. Characterization of Filamented Relativistic Electron Beams from Laser-Plasma-Interaction with Cerenkov Radiation
        5. Enrichment Effect During Ion Beam Sputter Deposition of Mg Alloys
        6. Structure Effects in Electronic Sputtering of SiO2
        7. Dosimetry of β-emitting Radioactive Implants
        8. Radioactive Ion Implanter for Medical Applications within the RadBioMat--Project
      7. Nuclear Reactions
        1. Study of pp and pd Reactions with HADES --- Simulations and First Measurements
        2. Search for K Nuclear Cluster in Nuclear Collisions with FOPI
        3. Di-Electron Production in C+C Reactions at E = 1 AGeV and 2 AGeV
        1. Accelerator
          1. MAFF --- Munich Accelerator for Fission Fragments
          2. Energy Upgrade of REX-ISOLDE above 4 MeV/u
          3. Advances in the Construction of the IH-RFQ at MAFF
          4. Antiproton-Ion Collider
        2. Instrumental Developments
          1. Slow-Control System and Monitoring of the ATLAS Cosmic Ray Measurement Facility
          2. Series Calibration and Commissioning of ATLAS-MDT-Chamber at the Cosmic-Ray Test-Facility
          3. Silicon Sensors for the Calibration of ATLAS Muon Chambers
          4. The Buffer-Gas Cells for the MLL-IonCatcher and for SHIPTRAP
          5. A New Test Setup for the RF Ring Electrode Cooler
          6. Mapping the Large Area Straw Detectors of the COMPASS Experiment with X-Rays
          7. A High-rate GEM-based TPC for PANDA
          8. A 30-keV Proton Accelerator for Particle-detector Tests
          9. Progress Report on the Mini-D2 Source for Ultra-Cold Neutrons
          10. PENELOPE - A Precise Experiment to measure the NEutron Lifetime Operating with Proton Extraction
          11. An Experiment for the Measurement of the Bound β-decay of the Free Neutron
          12. Feasibility of Classification-Based Algorithms for the AGATA Pulseshape Analysis
          13. Study of the Single Photon Response of the HADES-RICH Detector
        3. Data Acquisition, Computing and Analysis
          1. The ATLAS Data Challenges
          2. The ATLAS Production System
          3. MDT Chamber Alignment Studies within the ATLAS Software Framework
          4. Particle Identification in the HADES-Experiment
      9. THEORY
        1. Hadron Structure
          1. Chiral Dynamics of KN Interactions
          2. Relativistic Nuclear Density Functional Constrained by QCD and Chiral Symmetry
          3. A Nucleon in a Tiny Box
          4. Explicit Δ(1232) Degrees of Freedom in Compton Scattering off the Deuteron
          5. Chiral Dynamics of Nuclear and Hypernuclear Matter
          6. Chiral Extrapolations of Nucleon Properties
          7. Hot QCD at Finite Quark Chemical Potential: Lattice Thermodynamics and Field Theoretic Models
        2. High Energy Physics
          1. Strings, Intersecting Brane Worlds and Flux Compactifications
          2. Theoretical Neutrino Physics
          3. Natural Constants and their Time Dependence
        3. Nuclear Structure and Dynamics
          1. Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Description of Deformed Light Nuclei
        1. Publications and Reports
        2. Conference Contributions
        3. PhD & Habil Theses
        4. Diploma Theses