Jahresbericht 2003 Annual Report

  1. Preface
  2. Accelerator Facility
  3. Personnel
  4. Contributions
    1. TANDEM
      1. Tandem Operation
      1. Nuclear Spectroscopy
        1. Test of Two-Neutron Transfer Reactions with 10Be Targets at the Q3D
        2. Two-Neutron Transfer Reactions with thin 10Be Targets at MINIBALL
        3. Measurements of the g Factor and Lifetime of the 46Ca(21+) State
        4. Calibration of the Transient Field of 46Ca(21+) Precession in Gadolinium with the Known g Factor of 46Ti(21+)
        5. g Factor Test Measurements with the MINIBALL Detector Array on Stable 48Ti Beams
        6. g Factor and B(E2) Measurements on the 21+, 41+, 22+ and 31- States of 64,68Zn in Comparison with Shell Model Predictions
        7. g Factor of the 21+ State and Lifetimes of Several Excited States of Radioactive 68Ge from In-Beam Measurements
        8. First g Factor Measurement of Coulomb Excited 21+ State of Radioactive 76Kr Beams
        9. The 88Sr(p->, &alpha)85Rb Reaction at 24.6 MeV
        10. First Excited State of the s-Process Branching Nucleus 95Zr
        11. High Resolution Investigation of the 120Sn(p,t)118Sn and 121Sb(p,t)119Sb Reactions
        12. Microscopic DWBA Calculations of the 120Sn Homologous States Populated via (p->, &alpha) Reactions
        13. 120Sn Levels Homologous to the Lowest Energy States of 119In
        14. Neutron Density Distributions Deduced from Antiprotonic Atoms
        15. The E2 Resonance Effect in Antiprotonic Te Atoms and Evidence of the Level Width Saturation
        16. Nuclear Structure of 193Os:Transfer Experiment and IBM-related Model
        17. 208Pb(p,p') via Isobaric Analog Resonances in 209Bi
        18. Search for a new Picosecond Fission Isomer in 234U
        19. New Insights into the Fission Barrier Landscape of Light Actinide Nuclei
        20. Towards γ-Spectroscopy of the odd - N Fission Isomer in 237fPu using MINIBALL
      2. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
        1. 129I Measurements for Reconstruction of the 131I Releases in the FSU
        2. AMS Measurements of the 25Mg(p,γ)26Alg Resonance Strengths
        3. Human Teeth Material - a Stable Biomarker for Neutron Exposure
      3. Particle Physics
        1. Muon Reconstruction and Identification with the DØ Detector at the TeVatron
        2. The Level-2 Muon Trigger at the DØ Experiment
        3. Measurement of MW and ΓW at OPAL
        4. Search for the Higgs Boson in H -> WW(*) -> &mu+&nu&mu&mu- &nu&mu Decays at DØ in Run II
        5. Determination of the 3-Jet Ratio in pp Events
        6. Search for Supersymmetry in the Trilepton Channel qq&rarr&chi1&chi~02&rarr 3l +ET with the DØ Detector at TeVatron Run II
        7. Search for Second-Generation Leptoquarks in pp Collisions
        8. Grid Based Distributed Remote Computing at DØ
        9. Search for Singly Produced Second-Generation Leptoquarks in pp Collisions
        10. Development of an e± Track Analysis for HADES
      4. Particle Astrophysics
        1. Status of the BOREXINO Solar Neutrino Experiment
        2. Cryogenic Detectors for the Solar Neutrino Experiment GNO
      5. Atomic Physics
        1. Development of Novel Ultraviolet Light Sources
        2. Gas Excitation with High Perveance Electron Beams
        3. Spectroscopic and Gas Kinetic Studies of Electron Beam Induced OH*, Ne2*, He2*, and N2* Light Emission
        4. Structural and Temporal Analysis of Crystalline Ion Beams
        5. Laser Cooling of Stored Relativistic Heavy Ion Beams
        6. Mechanism of Transverse Cooling and Heating in Ion Channeling
      6. Applications of Nuclear Techniques and Interdisciplinary Nuclear Physics
        1. First Cell Irradiation Experiments with Microscopic Resolution at SNAKE
        2. Ion Acceleration in Shortpulse-Laser-Plasma Interaction
        3. Characterization of Filamented Relativistic Electron Beams from Laser-Plasma-Interaction with Cerenkov Radiation
        4. Properties of DLC Films grown by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition
        5. Dosimetry of β-emitting Radioactive Implants
        6. Radiation Enhanced Titanium Segregation and Oxide Formation in NiTi
        7. RadBioMat-Project
      7. Nuclear Reactions
        1. High-Accuracy Measurement of the Spin-Dependent nd Scattering Length
        1. Accelerator
          1. Charge Breeding of Ion Beams
          2. Recent Progress of MAFF
          3. Status and Upgrade of REX-ISOLDE
          4. Measurements at the IH-cavity of REX-ISOLDE
        2. Data Acquisition, Computing and Analysis
          1. MCT: Reconstruction and Calibration of Cosmic Muons with Athena
        3. Instrumental Developments
          1. Resolution and Efficiency of Drift-Tubes for the ATLAS Muon-Spectrometer at High γ-Ray Background
          2. Silicon Sensors for Calibration of ATLAS Muon Chambers
          3. Commissioning and Calibration of ATLAS Drift Tube Chambers at the LMU Cosmic Ray Test Facility
          4. Gas-Tightness of the ATLAS Muon Drift Chambers
          5. Alignment Studies for the LMU Cosmic Ray Test Facility
          6. The MAFFTRAP Penning Trap System
          7. The Gas Stopping Cell and Extraction RFQ for SHIPTRAP
          8. A Radio Frequency Ring Electrode Cooler for Low-Energy Heavy Ion Beams
          9. Characteristics of Silicon Solar Cells used as Fission Fragment Detectors
          10. Digital Signal Processing for the Gamma-Ray Tracking Array AGATA
          11. A Storage Device with Superconducting Magnets for the Measurement of the Neutron Lifetime
          12. Low Energy Proton Detection
        4. Technological Laboratories
          1. Targets for Transient Magnetic Field Measurement
          2. Preparation of Laser Plasma Carbon Stripper Foils in a new designed UHV System
      9. THEORY
        1. Hadron Structure
          1. Two-Photon Decays of π0, η and η'
          2. Relativistic Nuclear Model With Point-Couplings Constrained by QCD and Chiral Symmetry
          3. The Nucleon in a Box
          4. Spin Polarizabilities of the Nucleon from Polarized Low Energy Compton Scattering
          5. Chiral Extrapolation of Nucleon Properties from Lattice QCD
        2. High Energy Physics
          1. Quark Flavour Physics
          2. Physics on Noncommutative Spaces
        3. Nuclear Matter
          1. Non-Equillibrium Effects in the EOS in Heavy Ion Collisions
          2. Isospin Dependence of the Nuclear Equation-of-State
          3. Nuclear Energy Density Functional from Chiral Pion-Nucleon Dynamics
          4. Thermodynamics of Two-Colour QCD and the NJL Model
          5. Quasiparticle Description of Hot QCD at Finite Quark Chemical Potential
        4. Nuclear Structure and Dynamics
          1. All-Order Low-Energy Expansion in the 3-Body System
          2. Decay Rate of Dissipative Many Body Systems in a Variational Approach
          3. Variational Approach to the Level Density of Many Body Systems
        1. Publications and Reports
        2. Conference Contributions
        3. PhD & Habil Theses
        4. Diploma Theses