Jahresbericht 2007 Annual Report
Accelerator Facility
- Tandem Operation
- Nuclear Spectroscopy
- Shape Coexistence at the Borderline of the 'Island of Inversion':
First Identification of the E0 Decay from the Deformed 0+2 State in 30Mg
- Momentum Distributions of 47Ca and 55Ti Produced in 1n Knockout
- Corrected Lifetime Measurement of the 0+2 State in 90Zr
- 117In and 118Sn Homologous State Identification via the 120 Sn(p->, α)117In and 121Sb(p->, α)118Sn Reactions
- The 118Sn(p,t)116Sn Reaction at 24.6 MeV
- 120Sn(p,t)118Sn and Shell Model Calculations
- QPM Calculations of the Nucleus 119Sb
- Study of the 124Sn(p,t)122Sn Reaction at 25 MeV
- Study of the 130Ba Nucleus with the (p,t) Reaction
- Study of the 131Ba and 133Ba Nuclei by One-Neutron Transfer Reactions
- Identification of the Slow E3 Transition 136mCs --> 136Cs with Conversion Electrons
- First Identification of Large Electric Monopole Strength in Well-deformed Rare Earth Nuclei
- Structure of the 4+3 States in 186,188Os
- Optical Access to the Lowest Nuclear Transition in 229mTh
- Q3D-Measurement of 232Pa and 230Pa
- Searching for Fission Resonances in 232U
- Study of the Fission Barrier Parameters of 233Th
- First Identification of Nilsson Orbitals in 237fPu
- Towards Experimental Signatures of the Unruh Effect
- Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
- Measurement of the Activation Product 93Mo via AMS
- Solving the “Stellar 62Ni Problem” with AMS
- Extraterrestrial Dust Flux onto the Earth over Millions of Years
- Helium-3 Cross Sections and Implications for Early Solar System History
- Production of a 236Pu Tracer via a (p,3nβ-)-Reaction on 238U
- Elementary Particle and Hadron Physics
- Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the Dilepton Channel with
the Matrix Element Method at the DØ Experiment
- A Measurement of Z-Boson + Jets Differential Production Cross Section with the DØ Detector at the TeVatron
- A Path to Higher Precision Top Mass Measurements with the Matrix Element Method in
Semileptonic Top Pair Decays at D0
- Search for Second Generation Leptoquarks with ATLAS at the LHC
- Associated WH-Production in the Leptonic Decay Channel at ATLAS
- Ratio of Semileptonic and Dileptonic tt Decays in ATLAS at the LHC
- Study of Fully Hadronic tt Decays and their Separation from QCD Multijet Background Events
in the First Year of the ATLAS Experiment
- Independent Measurement of the Top Quark Mass and the Light- and Bottom-Jet Energy Scales at Hadron Colliders
- Search for Second Generation Leptoquarks at the DØ Experiment
- Search for Same-Sign Dilepton SUSY Events with ATLAS at the LHC
- Search for SUSY Trilepton Events in the Focus Point Region with ATLAS at the LHC
- Scanning the mSUGRA Parameter Space for Different SUSY Signatures
- Search for SUSY in the 1-Lepton Channel with ATLAS at the LHC
- Study of the Underlying Event at LHC
- Exclusive ωπ0 Production with 160 GeV Muons at COMPASS
- Investigation of Diffractive Pion Dissociation at COMPASS
- Determination of σ(pp → Z/γ* → μ+μ-) and muon performance
- Measurement of e+ e- Pairs in Ar+KCl at E=1.76 A·GeV with HADES
- Particle Astrophysics
- Detector Development and Characterization for CRESST
- First Results from the Borexino Solar Neutrino Experiment
- Atomic Physics
- Influence of Pressure on Relative Populations of Vibrational Levels
of the N2 (C 3Πu) State of Nitrogen for Electron Beam Excitation
- Conversion Efficiencies of Electron Beam Energy to Vacuum Ultraviolet Light for
Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe Excited with Continuous Electron Beams
- Stopping Dynamics of Highly Charges Ions in a Strongly Coupled Plasma
- Development of an Ion-mobility Spectrometer for Superheavy Element Research
- Status Report on Optical Spectroscopy at Nobelium (Z=102)
- Applications of Nuclear Techniques and Interdisciplinary Nuclear Physics
- Miniature Magnetic Devices for Laser-Based, Table-Top Free-Electron Lasers
- Model Calculations of Ion Induced Desorption Yields
- Investigation on new Coatings and an in-situ Bake-Out for the SIS18 Beam Loss Collimators
- ZrN and TiN formed by Plasma Based Ion Implantation & Deposition
- Photocatalytically Active TiO2 formed by Plasma Based Ion Implantation & Deposition
- Proton Activation Analysis for Tracer Kinetic Studies with Stable Isotopes of Ruthenium
- Instrumental Developments
- A Source for Ultra Cold Neutrons at the TRIGA Mainz
- A Low-Temperature Proton Detector for a Neutron Lifetime Experiment
- PENeLOPE - Preparations for a Precision Neutron Lifetime Experiment
- First Test of the PixelGEM Detector in High-Intensity Beams
- Development of a High-Rate GEM-Based TPC for PANDA
- A Highly Integrated Low-cost Readout System for the COMPASS RICH-1 Detector
- Cold Silicon Detectors for COMPASS
- A Λ Trigger for the FOPI Detector System
- Modification of the HADES-RICH Geometry for Measurements at FAIR Energies
- Temperature Studies for ATLAS MDT BOS Chambers
- Temperature Monitoring of ATLAS MDT Chambers
- Studies for a Contactless Temperature Measurement for ATLAS MDT Chambers
- Studies of Gas Mixtures for ATLAS MDT Muon Detectors at SLHC
- A Combined Target Station for Microprobe Analysis and Single Cell Irradiation at SNAKE
- Characterization of a Highly-Efficient Aerosol Filtration System
- Characterization of Detector Systems for Photofission Studies
- Diamond Detectors for the R3B Experiment at FAIR, Darmstadt
- Validation of Titanium-Gold and Titanium-Silver and Contacts on CVD Diamond Sensors
for Beam-Conditions Monitors and Tracking Detectors for Heavy Ions under Proton Irradiation
- Radiation Damage of the SimbolX and BepiColombo Silicon Detectors:
Measurement of the Current Related Damage Rate at -50° C
- Commissioning of the First Trap of the MLLTRAP System
- Data Acquisition, Computing and Analysis
- Sampling ADC Data Acquisition for Multimodality Positron Emission Tomography
- Data Management Software Development for ATLAS
- On-line Calibration of MDT Chambers in the ATLAS Muon-Spectrometer
- Parallel Data Processing with the PROOF Framework
- WLCG Tier-2 Deployment in Munich
- Automating of Job Submission with Athena/AthenaMC in GANGA
- Distributed Analysis Tools within the ATLAS Experiment
- Hadron Structure
- In-medium Chiral Condensate beyond Linear Density Approximation
- Spin-orbit Interactions in Nuclei and Hypernuclei
- The Structure of the Nucleon in Lattice QCD
- Effective KN Interaction and K-pp System in Chiral SU(3) Dynamics
- QCD Sum Rules for ρ Meson in Vacuum and in-Medium
- FCNC Processes and the Unitarity Triangle in the Minimal Flavor Violating MSSM
- High Energy Physics
- Lepton Flavor Violation in the Littlest Higgs Model with T-Parity
- Testing SUSY GUTs through FCNC Processes
- Physics Beyond the Standard Model 2007
- Scaling Analysis of Phase Transitions in Lattice QCD
- Modelling the Chiral and Deconfinement Crossover Transitions
- QCD Phases and Thermodynamics of a Nonlocal PNJL Model
- Pion and Muon Production in e- e+, γ-Plasma
- Publications and Reports
- Conference Contributions
- Habil Theses
- PhD Theses
- Diploma Theses
- Index