Jahresbericht 2007 Annual Report

  1. Preface
  2. Accelerator Facility
  3. Personnel
  4. Contributions
    1. TANDEM
      1. Tandem Operation
      1. Nuclear Spectroscopy
        1. Shape Coexistence at the Borderline of the 'Island of Inversion':
          First Identification of the E0 Decay from the Deformed 0+2 State in 30Mg
        2. Momentum Distributions of 47Ca and 55Ti Produced in 1n Knockout
        3. Corrected Lifetime Measurement of the 0+2 State in 90Zr
        4. 117In and 118Sn Homologous State Identification via the 120 Sn(p->, α)117In and 121Sb(p->, α)118Sn Reactions
        5. The 118Sn(p,t)116Sn Reaction at 24.6 MeV
        6. 120Sn(p,t)118Sn and Shell Model Calculations
        7. QPM Calculations of the Nucleus 119Sb
        8. Study of the 124Sn(p,t)122Sn Reaction at 25 MeV
        9. Study of the 130Ba Nucleus with the (p,t) Reaction
        10. Study of the 131Ba and 133Ba Nuclei by One-Neutron Transfer Reactions
        11. Identification of the Slow E3 Transition 136mCs --> 136Cs with Conversion Electrons
        12. First Identification of Large Electric Monopole Strength in Well-deformed Rare Earth Nuclei
        13. Structure of the 4+3 States in 186,188Os
        14. Optical Access to the Lowest Nuclear Transition in 229mTh
        15. Q3D-Measurement of 232Pa and 230Pa
        16. Searching for Fission Resonances in 232U
        17. Study of the Fission Barrier Parameters of 233Th
        18. First Identification of Nilsson Orbitals in 237fPu
        19. Towards Experimental Signatures of the Unruh Effect
      2. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
        1. Measurement of the Activation Product 93Mo via AMS
        2. Solving the “Stellar 62Ni Problem” with AMS
        3. Extraterrestrial Dust Flux onto the Earth over Millions of Years
        4. Helium-3 Cross Sections and Implications for Early Solar System History
        5. Production of a 236Pu Tracer via a (p,3nβ-)-Reaction on 238U
      3. Elementary Particle and Hadron Physics
        1. Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the Dilepton Channel with
          the Matrix Element Method at the DØ Experiment
        2. A Measurement of Z-Boson + Jets Differential Production Cross Section with the DØ Detector at the TeVatron
        3. A Path to Higher Precision Top Mass Measurements with the Matrix Element Method in
          Semileptonic Top Pair Decays at D0
        4. Search for Second Generation Leptoquarks with ATLAS at the LHC
        5. Associated WH-Production in the Leptonic Decay Channel at ATLAS
        6. Ratio of Semileptonic and Dileptonic tt Decays in ATLAS at the LHC
        7. Study of Fully Hadronic tt Decays and their Separation from QCD Multijet Background Events
          in the First Year of the ATLAS Experiment
        8. Independent Measurement of the Top Quark Mass and the Light- and Bottom-Jet Energy Scales at Hadron Colliders
        9. Search for Second Generation Leptoquarks at the DØ Experiment
        10. Search for Same-Sign Dilepton SUSY Events with ATLAS at the LHC
        11. Search for SUSY Trilepton Events in the Focus Point Region with ATLAS at the LHC
        12. Scanning the mSUGRA Parameter Space for Different SUSY Signatures
        13. Search for SUSY in the 1-Lepton Channel with ATLAS at the LHC
        14. Study of the Underlying Event at LHC
        15. Exclusive ωπ0 Production with 160 GeV Muons at COMPASS
        16. Investigation of Diffractive Pion Dissociation at COMPASS
        17. Determination of σ(pp → Z/γ* → μ+μ-) and muon performance
        18. Measurement of e+ e- Pairs in Ar+KCl at E=1.76 A·GeV with HADES
      4. Particle Astrophysics
        1. Detector Development and Characterization for CRESST
        2. First Results from the Borexino Solar Neutrino Experiment
      5. Atomic Physics
        1. Influence of Pressure on Relative Populations of Vibrational Levels
          of the N2 (C 3Πu) State of Nitrogen for Electron Beam Excitation
        2. Conversion Efficiencies of Electron Beam Energy to Vacuum Ultraviolet Light for
          Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe Excited with Continuous Electron Beams
        3. Stopping Dynamics of Highly Charges Ions in a Strongly Coupled Plasma
        4. Development of an Ion-mobility Spectrometer for Superheavy Element Research
        5. Status Report on Optical Spectroscopy at Nobelium (Z=102)
      6. Applications of Nuclear Techniques and Interdisciplinary Nuclear Physics
        1. Miniature Magnetic Devices for Laser-Based, Table-Top Free-Electron Lasers
        2. Model Calculations of Ion Induced Desorption Yields
        3. Investigation on new Coatings and an in-situ Bake-Out for the SIS18 Beam Loss Collimators
        4. ZrN and TiN formed by Plasma Based Ion Implantation & Deposition
        5. Photocatalytically Active TiO2 formed by Plasma Based Ion Implantation & Deposition
        6. Proton Activation Analysis for Tracer Kinetic Studies with Stable Isotopes of Ruthenium
        1. Instrumental Developments
          1. A Source for Ultra Cold Neutrons at the TRIGA Mainz
          2. A Low-Temperature Proton Detector for a Neutron Lifetime Experiment
          3. PENeLOPE - Preparations for a Precision Neutron Lifetime Experiment
          4. First Test of the PixelGEM Detector in High-Intensity Beams
          5. Development of a High-Rate GEM-Based TPC for PANDA
          6. A Highly Integrated Low-cost Readout System for the COMPASS RICH-1 Detector
          7. Cold Silicon Detectors for COMPASS
          8. A Λ Trigger for the FOPI Detector System
          9. Modification of the HADES-RICH Geometry for Measurements at FAIR Energies
          10. Temperature Studies for ATLAS MDT BOS Chambers
          11. Temperature Monitoring of ATLAS MDT Chambers
          12. Studies for a Contactless Temperature Measurement for ATLAS MDT Chambers
          13. Studies of Gas Mixtures for ATLAS MDT Muon Detectors at SLHC
          14. A Combined Target Station for Microprobe Analysis and Single Cell Irradiation at SNAKE
          15. Characterization of a Highly-Efficient Aerosol Filtration System
          16. Characterization of Detector Systems for Photofission Studies
          17. Diamond Detectors for the R3B Experiment at FAIR, Darmstadt
          18. Validation of Titanium-Gold and Titanium-Silver and Contacts on CVD Diamond Sensors
            for Beam-Conditions Monitors and Tracking Detectors for Heavy Ions under Proton Irradiation
          19. Radiation Damage of the SimbolX and BepiColombo Silicon Detectors:
            Measurement of the Current Related Damage Rate at -50° C
          20. Commissioning of the First Trap of the MLLTRAP System
        2. Data Acquisition, Computing and Analysis
          1. Sampling ADC Data Acquisition for Multimodality Positron Emission Tomography
          2. Data Management Software Development for ATLAS
          3. On-line Calibration of MDT Chambers in the ATLAS Muon-Spectrometer
          4. Parallel Data Processing with the PROOF Framework
          5. WLCG Tier-2 Deployment in Munich
          6. Automating of Job Submission with Athena/AthenaMC in GANGA
          7. Distributed Analysis Tools within the ATLAS Experiment
      8. THEORY
        1. Hadron Structure
          1. In-medium Chiral Condensate beyond Linear Density Approximation
          2. Spin-orbit Interactions in Nuclei and Hypernuclei
          3. The Structure of the Nucleon in Lattice QCD
          4. Effective KN Interaction and K-pp System in Chiral SU(3) Dynamics
          5. QCD Sum Rules for ρ Meson in Vacuum and in-Medium
          6. FCNC Processes and the Unitarity Triangle in the Minimal Flavor Violating MSSM
        2. High Energy Physics
          1. Lepton Flavor Violation in the Littlest Higgs Model with T-Parity
          2. Testing SUSY GUTs through FCNC Processes
          3. Physics Beyond the Standard Model 2007
          4. Scaling Analysis of Phase Transitions in Lattice QCD
          5. Modelling the Chiral and Deconfinement Crossover Transitions
          6. QCD Phases and Thermodynamics of a Nonlocal PNJL Model
          7. Pion and Muon Production in e- e+, γ-Plasma
          1. Publications and Reports
          2. Conference Contributions
          3. Habil Theses
          4. PhD Theses
          5. Diploma Theses
          6. Index